Front page or cover of the German fashion magazine Modenschau (subtitle: Illustrierte Monats-Zeitschrift für Heim und Gesellschaft) no. 227 of November 1931.
"Winter fashions 1932!"
4542: Elegant tea dress in silver-grey crepe mongol, with diagonal cut effects and pink Georgette flounces worked separately.
4543: Afternoon dress in red velvet. Dark fur stripes decorate the three-quarter length sleeves and the loosely draped scarf.
Publishing company Gustav Lyon, Berlin SO 16 - Delivery for the book trade in Germany Wilhelm Opetz, Leipzig.
Cover of the issue heavily damaged.
Title drawing/title illustration: Ernst Ludwig Kretschmann (1897-1941).
Publisher Gustav Lyon, Department of Graphology, Character and Handwriting;
o. V., Good books for our youth;
o. V., Anecdotes.
P. 1 |
Front page or cover of the fashion show (subtitle: Zeitschrift für Heim und Gesellschaft) No. 227 of November 1931.
The large-format title photo shows a small child with slightly curly blond hair, supporting his head on one hand and looking somewhat sad. The caption is "Little Dreamer".
Photo: Clara Behncke (Biographical data unknown).
P. 2 |
Prawns, Axel, The Ham Bread. A tragicomic marriage story by Axel Lübbe. (Axel Lübbe, 1880-1963).
The drawing shows an arriving hiker in the Bavarian Alps, happily welcomed by a family with children and dog.
Drawing/Illustration: Hans Ewald Kossatz (1901-1985).
P. 3 |
Dahl, Annie, Photography eight decades ago by Annie Dahl. (Life data unknown).
The text shows three photographs with the captions "Masterful in composition, dramatic in idea, this is a photo [entitled Fading Away, M. K.] taken by Henry Peach Robinson in 1858", "A life-preserver and more genuine in nature, even the most modern portrait artist cannot work. (Julia Margarte Cameron [sic!] took the picture [of the English astronomer, mathematician and inventor Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 1792-1871, note M. K.]. 1860 in London)" as well as "Picture on the right: This picture of Octavius Hill, taken between 1843 and 1848 in Edinburgh, looks like a genre picture of the Biedermeier period". Regarding the picture rights it says "All pictures are reproduced with the kind permission of Societäts-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, from the highly interesting book 'Aus der Frühzeit der Photographie' [from 1930] by Dr. Helmuth, Th. Bossert and Heinrich Guttmann".
photographs: Henry Peach Robinson (1830-1901); Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879); David Octavius Hill (1802-1870).
P. 4 |
4662: Elegant formal dress in black Georgette. Lace flounce at the pleated skirt. New belt made of pressed lacquer.
4663: Ensemble for the evening. Red lace and silk muslin make up the material. Wide skirt.
4664: Formal dress with bolero jacket, in a combination of jade green Georgette and dyed lace fabric.
Photos: Joel Feder, New York City (biographical data unknown).
P. 5 |
4665: Seal coat in straight form with beautiful shawl collar and cuffs made of mink or Australian possum. Foal is also suitable for this model.
4666: Nice coat in light kid or cropped rabbit. Rabbit is used for the distinctive lapels. Flap fastener on the raised collar.
4667: Taupe colored wool fabric makes this snappy coat, which is worked in a wide treading over shape. Fox or imitation sable trimming.
Photos: Joel Feder, New York City (biographical data unknown).
P. 6 |
Wedekind, Anna P., The last residence of Anna P. Wedekind.
Analogous to the article, three photographs are shown. The captions read "Sublime tranquillity lies over the churchyard of Morcote on the lake of Lugano", "Above and below the ground, endlessly lined up are the niches with coffins in the marble corridor of the Campo Santo of Genoa" and "Mountains and forests greet the resting place of the dead at the simple little church of Fischbachau near Schliersee [Bavaria, Germany, note M. K.]".
Photos: Kester & Co.
P. 7 |
Jacoby, Dr. Elfride, Beautiful porcelain cups from Dr. Elfride Jacoby.
Three photographic images are presented to match the text contribution. The captions are "Beethoven Jubiläumstasse der Staatlichen Porzellan Manufaktur, Berlin", "Agnes Esterhazy [Austrian actress, 1891-1956, note M. K.] with her collection of mocha cups made of Rosenthal porcelain" as well as "Picture on the right: Modern coffee set by Porzellanfabrik Ph. Rosenthal & Co. A. G.".
Photos: Pebbles; Becker & Maass.
P. 8 |
Greif, Ewald, Of new and upcoming films (by Ewald Greif, author and life data unknown).
Two photographic images or still images are shown for each article. The captions are "South Sea landscape from the last Murnau film 'Tabu'". (director Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1888-1931) and "Bild rechts: Marlene Dietrich [1901-1992] with her partner Gary Cooper [1901-1961] in her latest sound film 'Herzen in Flammen'".
Photos: Paramount.