Modenschau, Issue #187, July 1928

Fashion illustrations and editorial content from the German fashion magazine Modenschau (English title: Fashion Show, subtitle: Illustrated monthly magazine for home and society) no. 187 for July 1928. Published by Gustav Lyon, Berlin, Germany.

Pages in total: 64 (completely online)

Scan format: 22.3 x 30.2 cm / 8.78 x 11.89 in

Browse Magazine

64 Pages

Title page or front cover of the German fashion magazine Modenschau (Eng. title: Fashion Show, subtitle: Illustrated Monthly Magazine for Home and Society) no. 187 for July 1928. J 4755. Afternoon dress in blue georgette with embroidery decoration. Finished in darker blue and silver. At the side of the skirt distinctive flounce trim. Fabric usage: 4.05 m 100 cm wide. Transfer pattern price 80 pf. Pattern size 44 and 48. Price 95 pf. J 4756. Little summer dress in white and red silk linen fabric with black embroidery trim and matching edging. For girls from 4—8 years. Fabric usage: 0.55 m white, 0.75 m red each 110 cm wide. Transfer pattern price 40 pf. Pattern 75 pf. J 4757. Summer dress in a distinctive shape made of white red printed crepe de chine. As trimmings is narrow waxed ribbon in red. Black and green is chosen. Fabric usage: 4.60 m 100 cm wide. Pattern size 42, 44, 46 and 48. Price 95 pf. Price per copy: 70 pf., with pattern sheet 80 pf., plus local delivery charge. Publishing house Gustav Lyon, Berlin SO 16 — Distribution for the book trade in Germany Wilhelm Opetz, Leipzig. Title illustration/title drawing: unknown/unsigned.

Article: N. N., Of the Mind of Animals. Advertising: C•M•S Sewing Silks. Handwork yarns Carl Mez & Soehne A.-G. Freiburg i. B. – Vienna. Founded in 1785. Visit Munich. Exhibition "Heim und Technik" ["Home and Technology"] June-October 1928. J. H. GARICH Buestenfabrik [Factory of Tailors Dummies], BERLIN S 9. Stallschreiberstrasse 56. All kinds of dummies at factory prices as well as everything the tailor needs. CATALOG FREE. Your clothes will not zip if you have the Skirt Maker "PUNKTRUM." Skirt Maker Punktrum. Price 7 marks. Available everywhere. Just published WIENER CHIC [VIENNA CHIC] WITH NEWEST PARIS MODELS. Price RM 3.50. Available in all Lyon sales offices and bookstores. Ladies' favorite… Look at this head: so attractive looks the gentleman who regularly cares for his hair with Schwarzkopf-Schaumpon [Shampoo]. Not a single flake, not a single fallen out hair on the collar of the collar disturbs the advantageous overall impression. You too can secure this advantage: wash your hair regularly every week with Schwarzkopf Shampoo. White pack 20 pf., green "extra" pack with permanent perfume 30 pf. (for blondes: "light" variety, for darks: "dark" variety.) Schwarzkopf Shampoo. The "foam" is what counts! The film actor Ernst Verebes [or Ernoe Verebes, 1902-1971]. SANDAU PHOT. Photo: Ernst Sandau (1880-1918, studio taken over by Suse Byk, 1884-1943).

P. 1

Title page or cover of the Modenschau (Eng. title: Fashion Show, subtitle: magazine for home and society) no. 187 for July 1928. Article: Wedekind, Anna P., "Travel Wisely!" (by Anna P. Wedekind-Pariselle, biographical data unknown). In the center of the article is a photograph showing Austrian film actress Liane Haid (1895-2000) sitting comfortably in an armchair holding and reading a Modenschau issue – the November 1926 issue. The caption, written by hand, reads "Whether you're slim or stout, a Lyon pattern makes you chic! Liane Haid." Photo: Binder. Photo: Alexander Binder, Berlin (1888-1929). [Page] 1

P. 2

Article: Wedekind, Anna P., "Travel Wisely!" (by Anna P. Wedekind-Pariselle, biographical data unknown). In the center of the article are two photographs showing film actress Mady Christians (1896-1951) and several travel suitcases of various sizes. The captions read "Mady Christians travels wise! [Photo: Binder]" and "Photo: Becker & Maass." Photos: Alexander Binder, Berlin (1888-1929); Atelier Becker & Maass, Berlin. [Page] 2

P. 3

Article: Riess, Ellen, The Woman as Paramedic (by Ellen Riess, unknown author). The two photographic images in the article have the captions "How to remove a foreign body from the cornea of the eye. (Photo: Becker & Maass)" as well as "An ointment bandage for the burned hand (a practical small medicine chest and bandages should be handy for every housewife). (Photo: Becker Maass)." Photos: Studio Becker & Maass, Berlin. [Riess, Ellen, The Woman as Paramedic.] From no working woman is such a wealth of special knowledge demanded as from the housewife! She experiments as a chemist, when she takes up the fight against the stains in dress and household goods, she proves herself as a shrewd finance minister, when she can always save a little out of her economic money, which is always too meager, in order to offer her loved ones some kind of surprise, she becomes a cleverly planning merchant, when she buys on the market, and finally she must also be able to replace the uncle doctor, the paramedic and the nurse in one person. The whole family, big and small, turn to her with every little worry or bigger sorrow of a bodily nature just as trustingly as with all other worries: "Mother will know a remedy!" Mother almost always knows one — the greater the practice, the greater is the art of the physician, as is well known. And, alas, there is never a lack of opportunities! Especially the field of first aid in case of accidents brings quite numerous possibilities of activity to the housewife. Accidents of any kind are always sudden events; therefore, they bear the great danger that one loses one's head in the first shock of surprise. The consequences are wrong or delayed measures of help, which turn some harmless little thing into a serious damage to health. Unfortunately, the most important remedy in case of misfortune cannot be bought in the pharmacy and yet it is needed the most: calmness! Only he can help really expediently who has the necessary self-control to become clear first of all: "What has happened, what injury is present?" Diagnosis is what the physician calls this basis of his science and art, without the mastery of which he can never lead his philanthropic work to full success. And in order to make this diagnosis, it is necessary to weigh things up clearly, to examine and question the injured person calmly, to talk him into getting over the shock and the pain. Only then can one intervene to help; for nothing is more precarious in the field of first aid in accidents than the use of wrong means. Most common in household life are minor and major injuries to the skin from cutting, pricking, tearing or burning. "Oh, it's only a small tear!" is often heard on such occasions. For the knowledgeable housewife, however, the supreme law is that there are no trifles in injuries; everything deserves careful attention. Her kitchen cupboard contains a small box, which is appropriately equipped for such cases and must be ready to hand. Any injury to the skin is a gateway for dirt and germs to enter the bloodstream and cause serious damage. Therefore, it is necessary that every injury is washed with a piece of gauze dipped in alcohol. But even the helping hand can transfer infection possibilities to the injury! So this piece of gauze — it is called "swab" — is taken out of the package with a pair of tweezers, dipped into the alcohol and passed over the wound and its surroundings, without pressing and rubbing, because this causes unnecessary pain. Then, however, it must be prevented that afterwards infecting impurities penetrate into the injury while continuing to work: a swab is placed dry on the injured area so that it covers it well, and held in place with a gauze or cambric bandage. So the housewife needs for her medical service first: sterile gauze, which is cut into swabs with scissors to be used only for this purpose, some gauze and cambric bandages of different width, a vial of alcohol and tweezers! If the injury is bleeding, it is not necessary to clean the wound itself, because the flowing blood is the best means to clean the wound. However, blood means life force, so it must not flow too long! Never, however, one should therefore resort to hemostatic iron chloride absorbent cotton, surgeon's agaric or — one hardly believes that such a thing could still be possible today! — to spider webs. Minor bleeding always stops very soon after the bandage is applied. In the case of injuries to smaller veins, however, the injured limb must be tied up or at least the bandage between the wound and the heart must be tightened to stop the blood as soon as possible. However, if the blood spurts bright red from an injury, danger is imminent because an important vein is injured! A doctor must be called immediately, but in the meantime the vein should be stopped as well as possible. For this purpose, use an elastic brace, a wide and strong rubber band, as used for suspenders; if you do not have such an elastic means, a towel or a wide Cambric bandage must help. The ligating agent must always be applied very firmly between the wound site and the heart, … (conclusion page 52). [Page] 3

P. 4

Article: Sell, Anita, Into the Allgaeu! (by Anita Sell, unknown author). Matching the article are two photographs. The captions read "The romantic 14th century Diebs-Turm [Thieves Tower] in Lindau (Photo: Kester)" and "Harbor exit in Lindau on Lake Constance. (Photo: Kester)." Photo: Philipp Kester (1873-1958). [Page] 4

P. 5

Article: Bader, Wilhelma, Ten Minutes in the Service of Beauty (by Wilhelma Bader, unknown author). The illustrated photograph of a lady looking at herself in the mirror with a cream jar in her hand has the caption "'Pay attention to your complexion, madam!' (Photo: Becker & Maass)." Photo: Studio Becker & Maass, Berlin. [Bader, Wilhelma, Ten Minutes in the Service of Beauty.] Our time is overloaded with energy: never before has so much and so intensively been worked and accomplished as in our days! Whether it is an iron-like necessity of the struggle for existence, whether it is a justified and understandable striving for improvement of the way of life, whether it is finally only a drive to restlessness born of the general tempo of creation — we all race through life, create and work as if tomorrow were our last day. "No time, no time!" rings as a motto through this outrageously accelerated rhythm. But we are not machines, soullessly whirring wheels without interruption, driving pistons up and down until a lever-grip — or final collapse? — brings them to a standstill. We humans need to find time because we need rest, relaxation, care and balance. If we do not understand this need, we shorten our life span: we grow old early! Many who have to work hard and sharply have recognized this truth and have found ways and means not only to successfully combat the rapidly grueling effect of their hurried way of life, but even to make the wheel of time seem to stand still: sport, sensible abstinence, thoughtful personal hygiene create for them youth and freshness, which were not known at all in their earlier years. However, as paradoxical as it sounds in the age of increased energies, many still have not found the willpower to take up the fight with time, the fight with age: they simply have no time for it! Isn't that an all too cheap excuse? Unfortunately, we still hear it too often from those who are called to be the bearers of the concept of beauty: from women. None of them will deny that beauty and cultivated grace, youth and charming freshness are the most beautiful adornment of a woman — but they suggest to themselves a lack of time, because they have to fulfill countless duties in the course of the day. And so they forget about these the most important duty to think about themselves. It is not so much the women who are in professional life — they have long since understood the value of well-groomed appearance and charming appearance — it is rather the married ones, the efficient, dutiful housewives, who let time and work imprint deep runes on them without resistance and thus age before time! "Who, as a mother, wife and housewife, can afford to think of herself?" they will reply from their circles. And the kind opponents do not even suspect how wrong this view is! Especially mothers and wives have to stay young inside and outside for a long time, for the sake of the husband and the children; love depends on external things, too, and many a love died because these things were disdainfully neglected. And again, the opposition asks where it should find the time to entrust itself, like many a beautiful woman richly blessed with material goods, for hours on end to the caring hand of those experts who improve the shortcomings of nature in beauty institutes with the latest achievements of technology and cosmetic science? But this is not necessary, dear ladies: it may be very convenient and beneficial to be beautified in a clean cabin, but a little time management, a lot of good will and just as much knowledge of cosmetic arts and hygienic necessities will give the healthy woman the same result. Don't you think that you could spend ten minutes every morning in the service of beauty? If you already set the coffee table for your loved ones in the evening and prepare everything necessary for it and for the cult of beauty, then you don't even need to take those ten minutes away. We are so proud that we can work systematically and rationally — don't we want to try this for ourselves? Even if it takes a little more time in the beginning, very soon we can really carry out our program in ten minutes, perhaps with some limitations. It begins with the morning exercises, in the largest, airiest room of our apartment, the windows of which are quite wide open, five deep, quick knee bends — while going down, swing the arms up from the side and inhale, while straightening up, lower the arms sideways in the same way and exhale. Hey, how the lungs fill up with good air and the muscles of the whole body tighten and stretch after the night's rest! However, those who use gymnastics as a way to slim down will not get along with it; but our program is only meant to keep young and slim, fresh and supple, not to create these qualities in the first place. Those who prefer the modern sport of "rolling", after this short exercise, of course also reach for the beloved rubber roller [meant is the use of an exercise apparatus for massage, note by M. K.] — but that is already a system in itself! Because, as is well known, we breathe not only with the lungs but with the entire surface of the body, the skin must now first come into its own. If you have a hot water supply, you quickly slip into a warm bath; if you can't have this pleasure, you can help yourself to a tub and lukewarm water. In both cases, however, one takes a brush — in the beginning a rather soft one, later a real rough scrubbing brush — and scrubs the skin until it is crab-red. Then a cold washing and energetic rubbing with a rough cloth. … (continued on page 46). [Page] 5

P. 6

Article: Muenzer, Kurt, "The Coachman" (by Kurt Muenzer, 1879-1944); Grimm, Kurt Max, Garden Happiness (by Kurt Max Grimm, unknown author). The drawing above shows a woman approaching cautiously into the sea from the beach with her skirt gathered. The hackney coach from which the lady has disembarked appears to be driving away, while the driver looks after the woman. Drawing/illustration: "k", Ernst Ludwig Kretschmann (1897-1941). [Page] 6

P. 7

Article: Muenzer, Kurt, "The Coachman" (by Kurt Muenzer, 1879-1944). In the drawing above you can see a young couple in a rowboat sitting on the shore of a lake. On the right there is a tree very close to the shore, in the background some mountains rise. The caption reads "Soon after, Bertuchs went to Lake Comer." Drawing/illustration: "k", Ernst Ludwig Kretschmann (1897-1941). Advertisement: The paradise of childhood - - Children have a right to a happy, joyful youth, but to many it is diminished by suffering and pain of all kinds from which we could easily save them. The development of teeth requires especially careful observation and care. Those who accustom their children to Odol dental and oral care from an early age prevent the development of tooth decay and toothache, and do much to prevent overloading the child's digestive organs, because well chewed is half digested. Odol creates happy, healthy and vital children. [Page] 7

P. 8

Article: Muenzer, Kurt, "The Coachman" (by Kurt Muenzer, 1879-1944). Advertisement: The cycling lady chooses with preference the million-fold proven BRENNABOR-BICYCLE which meets all requirements of the modern cyclist. Elegant frame construction, smooth running, modern equipment and unlimited durability are the great advantages of this first-class brand bike. BRENNABOR the best bike! Sold by the bicycle dealer GEBR. REICHSTEIN BRENNABOR-WERKE [WORKS]. BRANDENBURG (HAVEL). Founded in 1871. 8,000 workers. Like a cooking pot… the new Jena preserving jar SNELDA can be placed on the hot stove — it does not crack! The single jar can be sterilized as well as a dozen at a time — more of the same if only the hotplate is sufficient. You are no longer tied to a sterilizer, save slow boiling and cooling, so a lot of time and fuel. Let your household store show you the new Jena preserving jar. JENAER preserving jar SNELDA. Available in all better household and glassware stores. Free recipe book "SNELDA 50" with exact description and instructions for use, as well as proof of the nearest source of supply can be obtained from the sole manufacturers: JENAER GLASWERK SCHOTT & GEN. [GLASSWORKS], JENA. For baking, roasting, braising and for the table: THE heat-resistant Jena DURAX glassware. Recipe book Durax 50 with list and pictures free of charge. Drawing/illustration: unknown/unsigned. [Page] 8
