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Titelseite bzw. Cover des Frühjahrs- und Sommer-Katalogs des Versandhandelsunternehmens Philipsborn's aus Chicago, Illinois (USA) von 1921.
Amerikas beste Mode – und Amerikas niedrigste Preise.
PHILIPSBORN'S Versandhauskatalog für Frühjahr & Sommer 1921.
Titelillustration/Titelzeichnung: unsigniert/unbekannt.
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Zwei Modelle der Frühjahrsmode 1921, die exklusiv von Irene Castle (1893-1969) für Philipsborn’s entworfen wurde.
Links ein Kleid aus marineblauem „Tricotine“ (robust gewebtes Wollgewebe) mit Stickereien, Hüft- und Ärmelrüschen, Kettengürtel und teilweise plissiertem Rock.
Rechts ein dunkelgelbes Blusenkleid aus einem Chiffon-Taft und Seidengemisch mit kontrastierenden Stickereien, plissiertem Rock und einem langen Gürtel, der in Quasten endet.
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The Power of Public Opinion — which is YOUR opinion multiplied by millions — has made PHILIPSBORN'S THE FASTEST GROWING MAIL ORDER HOUSE IN AMERICA.
The one big thing behind this marvelous record is the big, broad PHILIPSBORN POLICY of giving you not only more in style, more in service but actually more in savings than you can get anywhere else.
PHILIPSBORN'S Set Aside Half a Million Dollars a Year to Carry Out This Policy of Giving More In Savings, for the Prepaying of Delivery Charges Alone!
We don't ask you to send us 4c extra for a waist, whether it is made of light voile or heavy satin; 8c for a dress, whether it is made of heavy wool material or light weight silk georgette; 14c extra for a suit, whether it is made with a long or short coat, whether the material is heavy or light weight; 15c extra for a coat, whether it is a short jacket or a long coat, etc., etc. You pay only the Catalog price—NOT A PENNY MORE.
Is sweeping the Country. That is one of the big things — that has influenced public opinion for PHILIPSBORN'S — that has enabled us to add one million new customers during the last year — a record which speaks for itself particularly when the general unsettled economic conditions of the last six months of 1920 are taken into consideration.
Probably this book will reach you a few weeks later than our usual Spring edition—it was purposely delayed to take advantage of the markets "very-last-minute" price reduction. We know our low prices will amaze you. We guarantee that they are lower than the prices asked for the same goods anywhere else in the United States. We stand back of this statement to the very letter. If at any time you can buy the same quality elsewhere for less money we will immediately make good the difference. We make this statement without fear because we know that if you will compare PHILIPSBORN'S prices with those in any catalog or retail store you will readily understand the cause of our remarkable growth. Our Policy Calls for small Profits and Large Turn-over so don't be afraid to order on account of our low prices. Remember!—Everything is backed by the PHILIPSBORN GUARANTEE which means that you must be 100% satisfied, and if you are not your money will be refunded instantly. We particularly call your attention to PAGES 250 to 255 DEVOTED TO OUR NEW "GOODS-BY-THE YARD" DEPARTMENT. The values speak [for] themselves. Put this department to the […]
Be sure to state catalog number! Be sure to state Color and Size! Be sure to send your remittance by express or postal money order and avoid, if possible, sending cash or stamps!
We do ship orders C. O. D. when so requested, but we caution you of the extra shipping and collection charges. If the order blanks in back of the book are not sufficient, write for additional ones!
Irene Castle's exclusive […] featured on many pa[…] this catalog. Turn to the Index […] complete list. L[…] to your friends a[…]
If you receive more than one catalog, please write us, giving […] us the correct
name and initials of the head of the family […].
It is our aim to have one PHILIPSBORN Catalog in every home […].
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[Damaged page.] The joy of Spring was Irene Castle's Inspiration for this design.
8K13304. All that is lovely and captivating in style is reflected in this latest creation from the hands of Irene Castle, our famous style expert.
Through a special arrangement with Irene Castle, PHILIPSBORN'S can now offer their customers the services of this master designer, at a price that is actually less than you would pay for ordinary styles elsewhere. For this beautiful dress Irene Castle used taffeta silk of excellent weight, and combined it with an ecru lace panel and vestee. The design is a clever adaptation of the Redingote style now so much favored by fashionable women. The especially new note is seen in the kimono style sleeve finished with turnover cuffs and terminating at the elbow. The skirt portion opens over the lace in panel fashion and is smartly sloped away at the sides to reveal the lace and taffeta silk underdress. The vestee of lace shows the same rich pattern as the skirt panel and is finished with a wide taffeta silk fold. A narrow velvet ribbon girdle provides the newest of waistline finishes. Light waist lining. One of the dressiest and most charming of models at a big price saving. COLOR: Navy blue with ecru lace or brown with ecru lace. SIZES: 32 to 44 bust. Skirt length 38 to 40. Skirt width (underdress) 52 inches. PRICE, PREPAID to your home, $16.98.
8K13305. Same style for misses and small women. SIZES: 32 to 38 bust. Skirt length 32 to 38. Skirt width (underdress) 52 inches. PRICE, PREPAID to your home, $16.98.
In ordering Women's and Misses' Dresses, state bust measure, size of waistband, and front length of skirt. For larger size than 44 bust, refer to Our Styles for Stout Women.
[For a Complete List] of Irene Castle's Exclusive Designs, [See the] Index, Page 274.
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PHILIPSBORN'S 'P’s' & 'Q’s' are 'Price' & 'Quality.' Here are Two Examples.
In ordering dresses for women and misses, be sure to state bust measure, size of waist-band, and front length of skirt. IT IS IMPORTANT TO GIVE ALL THREE MEASUREMENTS. Also, do not order a larger size than is catalogued, but for these refer to our stout sizes. See index, page 274.
8K13306. Every one who has seen this beautiful dress has been most enthusiastic in its praise, declaring that it is the most stunning model offered this season.
All in all it is a triumph of design to which the excellent quality taffeta silk of which it is made lends itself beautifully. The new cut-work embroidery which will be used on the season's high-priced models contributes a rich and handsome trimming. Contrasting broadcloth outlined with tinsel threads is appliqued in lavish design at both front and back. The dress is designed in overdress fashion with front panel and side sections, giving the fashionable extended hipline so much favored. Elbow length sleeves. All-around belt. Fastening at shoulder and underarm. COLORS: Navy blue with henna or brown with tan. SIZES: 32 to 44 bust. Front length of skirt 38 to 40. PRICE, PREPAID to your home, $18.98.
8K13307. For misses and small women. SIZES: 32 to 38 bust. Front length of skirt 32 to 38. PRICE, PREPAID to your home, $18.98.
8K13308. Here is a new dress that will be greatly admired for its unusual and artistic style, an exclusive PHILIPSBORN'S model quoted at a special cut price.
Taffeta silk of rich, lustrous quality combines with Georgette crepe to fashion this most attractive of models. Contrasting bugle beads are used to embroider the smartly shaped overblouse. Sash ties at sides. Georgette sleeves finished with flare cuffs. Plaited Georgette side panels. Self-material button trimming. COLORS: Navy blue or all black. SIZES: 32 to 44 bust. Front length of skirt 38 to 40. PRICE, PREPAID to your home, $12.78.
8K13309. Same style for misses and small women. SIZES: 32 to 38 bust. Front length of skirt 32 to 38. PRICE, PREPAID to your home, $12.78.
Be sure to state COLOR and SIZE when ordering.
For Index See Page 274 and Remember PHILIPSBORN'S Prepay All Transportation Charges. There Are No Express or Mailing Charges for You to Pay.
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3 Generations of PHILIPSBORN Shoppers-31 years of Service.
8K13310. Certainly, for dressy wear, there is nothing more elegant than silk Georgette.
The beautiful dress pictured at the left adds to its fascination with elaborate bead embroidery, which appears in garland-like strands on both the skirt and blouse. Wide three-quarter length sleeves. Silk lining. A dress that is never out of season, as it can be worn both summer and winter. COLORS: Navy blue, French blue, pearl grey, or flesh. SIZES: 32 to 44 bust. Length 38 to 40 inches. PRICE, PREPAID to your home, $16.98.
8K13311. For misses and small women. SIZES: 32 to 38 bust. Length 32 to 38 inches. PRICE, PREPAID to your home, $16.98.
The World's Greatest Power—"Public Opinion." See Page 3.
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Drei wadenlange Tunikakleider aus marineblauem Seiden-Taft, mittelbraunem Seiden Crêpe de Chine und blauem Seiden-Georgette.
Roter Fältchen-Georgette ziert die Ärmel und den Ausschnitt des ersten Kleides. Das mittlere Kleid zeigt glockig geschnittene Ärmel und einen Westeneinsatz aus Spitze der durch einen smokingartigen Kragen umrahmt wird. Das rechte Kleid wird durch dezent schimmernde Glasperlen verschönert. Alle Kleider weisen Stickereien auf.
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Doppelseite mit Kleidern aus Seiden-Georgette, Seiden-Taft, Seiden Crêpe de Chine und Woll-Serge. Alle Kleider weisen reiche Stickereien oder Ziernähte an den Front- und Brustseiten oder an den Ärmelaufschlägen auf. Zwei Modelle sind mit Spitze garniert. Plissierte Rockteile und Paneele sowie dreiviertellange Ärmel sind charakteristisch für die meisten Kleider.
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Doppelseite mit Kleidern aus Seiden-Georgette, Seiden-Taft, Seiden Crêpe de Chine und Woll-Serge. Alle Kleider weisen reiche Stickereien oder Ziernähte an den Front- und Brustseiten oder an den Ärmelaufschlägen auf. Zwei Modelle sind mit Spitze garniert. Plissierte Rockteile und Paneele sowie dreiviertellange Ärmel sind charakteristisch für die meisten Kleider.
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Drei Kleider aus Woll-Serge, Seiden-Taft und Seiden-Popelin mit dezenten Stickereien und mit drei unterschiedlich gearbeiteten Ausschnittformen.