Chicago Mail Order Co., Frühjahr/Sommer 1925

Mode aus dem Versandhauskatalog Nr. 82 der Firma Chicago Mail Order Company aus Chicago, Illinois, USA für Frühjahr und Sommer 1925.

Seiten insgesamt: 262 (110 online)

Scanformat: 20,3 x 27,6 cm / 7,99 x 10,87 in

Im Katalog blättern

110 Seiten

S. 1

Umschlag, Titelblatt bzw. Titelseite des Versandhauskatalogs Nr. 82 der Firma Chicago Mail Order Company aus Chicago, Illinois, USA für Frühjahr und Sommer 1925. Günstiger Kleidungsausstatter für die ganze Familie. Pariser Modelle. Niedrigste Preise! 2 B 3786—Das Kleid… 2,98 $. Siehe Seite 11. 2 K 5166—[Herrenanzug] 13,95 $. Siehe Seite 236. 2 B 3747—[Kleid für Mädchen] 1,98 $. Siehe Seite 30. 2 K 5507—[Anzug für Jungen] 1,49 $. Siehe Seite 222. Index auf Seite 7. Katalog Nr. 82 zum 35. Jubiläum. Frühjahr und Sommer 1925. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER COMPANY — Gegründet 1889. Chicago, Illinois. Titelzeichnung/Titelillustration: „H:Vallely“ (Henry E. Vallely, Lebensdaten unbekannt). [Seite 1]

S. 2

35th Anniversary BARGAINS! Thousands of Values Like These in this Book. LOWEST PRICES. Big Value! Wool Polo. 2 C 4742—Women's 32 to 44 bust. 2 C 4743—Misses' Sizes 14 to 20 years, 32 to 38 bust. Fine Wool Mixed Polo coat, styled right up to the minute, at a very special low price. The New "Bobby" collar, back, and pockets of the coat, are trimmed with silk stitching. 46 inches long. Unlined. Colors—Tan, Copenhagen Blue, or Reindeer Tan. State size, color. Anniversary Price… $4.98. Postage, 16¢ extra. (3 Shirts. 3 Ties. All for $2.95) Big Value for Men. Big Bargain. 2 K 5799—Shirt sizes, 14 to 17 inch necks. Three splendid dress shirts and three handsome silk ties to match, for $2.95. Set of three consists of one Tan Cotton Pongee shirt, one White Cotton Pongee shirt, one Colored checked percale shirt, and three silk fur-in-hand ties to match. An astonishing bargain in well made, full cut, desirable shirts and fine ties. Anniversary Price… 3 shuts and 3 ties… $2.95. Postage, 15¢ extra. For Girls 6 to 14 Yrs. Dress to Embroider. Make it Yourself—SAVE MONEY. Linene-Stamped. 2 R 9009—Sizes, 6 to 14 years. "Quick Maid" Linene Dress Pattern, stamped and outlined for cutting. Very easy to embroider. Fast color embroidery yarn, patent fabric belt, and needle, Free. A little pleasant work makes a pretty dress, and saves you money. Colors—Copenhagen Blue, Burnt Orange, Peach, or Rose. State size and color. Anniversary Price… 69¢. Postage, 4¢ extra. Big Value. All Wool Cassimere. Boy's Fine Suit. 2 K 5249—6 to 16 years. Anniversary bargain in a "Lucky Boy" suit. Made of very durable all wool Cassimere. Styled to delight any boy—priced to please any parent. Made in snappy style, with inverted Pleat in back. All Around Belt. Usual Pockets. Fullcut, well made. Guaranteed Coat lining. Colors—Neat Dark Brown, with stripe. Price… $5.95. Postage, 13¢ extra. (IMPORTED ENGLISH BROADCLOTH) Very Stylish. Save Here. 2 B 3772—Women's Sizes, 32 to 44 bust. Misses' Sizes, 14 to 20 years, 32 to 38 bust. Just think of getting a dress made of Genuine Fast Color Imported English Broadcloth, styled according to the Latest Parisian ideas, priced at only $2.98!—It's marvelous! Front is trimmed, on waist and skirt, with pretty design in imitation hand drawnwork, and two-color buttons. Lace edged collar and cuffs. Self material sash. Colors—Green, Powder Blue, or Tan. Please state size, color. Anniversary Price… $2.98. Postage, 10¢ extra. (IDEAL $3.33 C.M.O. CO.) High Grade. Introducing IDEAL Shoes. See Also Page 141. 2 J 198—Patent and Tan Apricot. This is one of our smartest Ideal Models, many other styles of which you will see on page 141. Ideal shoes are made according to our own specifications, and each is always the best of its kind at the price, which is always stamped on the bottom of the Shoe—$3.33, and no more, no less. For this amount, we give you values unequaled, and styles unrivaled. Just see for yourself. The model you see pictured here is made of soft chrome black Patent Leather in combination with Apricot Tan Russia Leather. It would be impossible to find a prettier one-strap at any price. Military rubber cushioned heel. Cut-out perforated vamp and quarter. Flexible leather sole. SIZES—2½ to 8, widths. C, D, E. Anniversary Price… $3.33. Postage, 8¢ extra. SMARTEST Sweater of the Season. All Wool Worsted. Cricket Sweater. 2 M 7909—34 to 44 bust. A wonderful Bargain! Ladies All Wool, fancy weave Cricket Sweater, with elastic ribbed bottom showing contrasting stripes to match neck and sleeve bands. Colors—Powder Blue with Gray, Buff with Brown, Harding Blue with Gold, or Rose with Gray. Please state color and size when ordering. Anniversary Price… $1.29. Postage, 4¢ extra. 54-Piece Set of Beautiful Dishes. To the left is a picture of a plate, one of the 54 pieces of a beautifully decorated dinner set, shown on page 166. It is the great surprise offer of this Big Anniversary Catalog! Just turn to page 166 and see the low price we quote. You'll be agreeably surprised. See Page 166. Bargain! 2 A 1250—A rare bargain in a charming poke, with soft draped crown of silk Visca Bengaline and roll-back brim covered with pleated Cotton Crepe. Trimmed with a mixed flower and fruit wreath and a band of Silk Ribbon across the back. Colors—Pheasant (Golden Brown), Copenhagen Blue, Jade Green, Pearl Gray, or Black. Please state color. Price… $1.49. Postage, 12¢ extra. Copyright 1925. Chicago Mail Order Co. Your order shipped immediately or your money back at once. Page 2

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((1889) 35th ANNIVERSARY (1925)) (HARRISON) (STYLES of 1889) (CARRIAGE of 1889) (OUR STORE 1889) (COOLIDGE) (STYLES of 1925) (TRAVEL in 1925) (OUR STORE 1906) 35 Years of Serving and Satisfying Customers. Away back in 1889—35 years ago, the Chicago Mail Order Company was founded as a small business with a Big Ideal. 35 Years Ago we said—"We will offer our customers only the most approved styles; we will carry only dependable merchandise, which we will sell at the lowest possible price consistent with good quality, and we will render our customers the best possible service." Today we have realized our Big Ideal—we are serving and satisfying 3,500,000 customers—we are the fastest growing mail order house in America—we have kept faith—we have gained our customers' confidence because we have proven our reliability. In the past 35 years, we have filled over 83,000,000 orders, yet no customer has ever had a transaction with us which resulted unsatisfactorily, nor has a customer ever lost a single penny, because the Chicago Mail Order Company stands behind its guarantee and assumes all the risk. You can depend on the Chicago Mail Order Company. Tomorrow. Just as we have served our first customers fairly and honestly through the past 35 years, giving them dependable, good quality merchandise at low prices, so will we serve our old customers and our new customers through the years to come. It is our determination to make every year of the future a year of greater and better service to YOU. We are proud to be known as "The House that serves you Best—The House that saves you Most." When it is possible to give you better service, better merchandise, and bigger bargains, we will do so, because when we buy for less we sell for less, but we never raise the price quoted in our catalog. You are safe and sure in buying from us, for ours is the Golden Rule of Business. Only 3% Profit, Makes Lowest Prices. We positively guarantee our merchandise to be as low or lower in price than the same goods—quality for quality (and ours is standard high quality merchandise)—can be obtained from any other mercantile establishment in the world. If you find you have paid us a higher price in any instance, write us, giving full information, and we will instantly refund to you the actual difference in cash. We allow no house to undersell us. Your Order Shipped Immediately or Your Money Back at Once. We absolutely guarantee to ship your order, item for item, within 14¾ working hours after it is received, or return your money at once. We will not delay your order—your goods or your money at once—that's our Guarantee. (Signed) CHICAGO MAIL ORDER COMPANY. (OUR STORE 1925) CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO. Page 3

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Serving the Families of the Nation. 14¾ Hour Shipping Service or Your Money Back AT ONCE! We invite you to trade here and enjoy a nationwide service which is the delight of our customers and the pride of the Chicago Mail Order Company. For it matters not whether you live North, East, South, or West, distant or near, on the farm, in the hamlet, or in the city, our 14¾ hour service will bring your order to you right on time. Ours is the best Mail Order Service in the U. S. A. It is praised by our customers from coast to coast. We guarantee to ship your goods just as you like them shipped, and you'll get them just when you want them. Take advantage of our 35th Anniversary Bargains and enjoy the best mail order service, and the biggest values in America. "Everything to Wear for the Entire Family". You will find in this wonderful book the best styles in everything to wear, for every member of the family. Coats and Suits, Exquisite Dresses, Smart New Hats, all alive with the Chic of Paris. Men's, Women's, Boys', Girls' and Children's Shoes, Men's and Boys' clothing. Underwear, etc., for all the family, all offering better style and better quality, at lower prices than you will find elsewhere. When you think of clothes, think of us, for we are the Family Outfitters of the Nation. Our Customers Everywhere Praise Our Service. San Marcial, N. M. Gentlemen: We buy so much from you and we like everything and we save money on everything we buy. Even though we are so far away the goods always arrive promptly, usually before we expect them. Sincerely, Rosita Baca. Chazy, N. D. Nov. 11. 1924. Gentlemen: The reason why we order from the Chicago Mail Order Company, is that we get quick service, and we get the most for our money from you. We will trade with the C. M. O. Co. as long as we live. Very truly, Mrs. Fred La Pointe. Ellenburg Ct., Mo. Nov. 26, 1924. Gentlemen: I think the values you give on your clothing are wonderful. I find you ship your orders immediately, just as you promise. Your prices are very low and I can save money on every purchase. Yours truly, Mrs. J. H. Ryan. Wilder, Virginia Dec. 18, 1924. Gentlemen: This is to say that I greatly appreciate goods received from you, because to duplicate them at local stores, would cost me nearly double your price. I have always received my orders promptly and have never been disappointed by delay. Very truly yours, John H. Labbie. W. 233rd St., Riverside, N. Y. City. Gentlemen: Just a few lines to tell you that I am more than pleased with the goods I bought from you. I can save half on each article by buying from you. Thanks for prompt service. I shall always remain a customer. Very truly, Mrs. G. H. Keiser. Look for the Green Label. When you receive a package from us we want you to be satisfied that we actually shipped your order within 14¾ hours after it was received by us. So we attach to every package we ship, a Green Label showing just what time the package left our establishment. No other mail order company does this, because no other mail order service is as good as ours. Look for the Green Label—it is convincing proof of the Superior Service of the Chicago Mail Order Company. Trade Here and Save. Help Your Neighbor Save Money! Please tell your neighbor of our wonderful service, and lend her your catalog so she can see for herself the Bargain Values we offer. It will prove to her, as it has to you, that the Chicago Mall Order Company will serve her best and save her most. No other house in America gives its customers the advantages of Style, Low Price, Quality, and Service that the Chicago Mail Order Company does. Your neighbor will thank you for sharing your book with her. Proof of Service on Every Package! PROOF OF SERVICE. Your order was shipped in 14¾ hrs. after we received it. A PROMISE OF SERVICE PERFORMED. The time stamp below shows the exact time this package was shipped. F508. FEB. 1, 6 PM. Chicago Mail Order Company. 2611 Indiana Ave. Chicago, Ill. Backing up Our Guarantee. The Chicago Mail Order Company can make its Guarantee of Satisfaction or Money Back in Good Faith, because it has absolute knowledge of the quality and merit of every article, before it is shipped. That's what we mean by "Backing up our Guarantee." To be sure that you will get what you have a right to expect, we put manufacturers' samples through a series of laboratory tests which reveal their quality beyond the shadow of a doubt. Realizing that the best proof of Quality is in the wearing, we subject the merchandise we sell, to the test of actual service. It is the supreme and satisfying test. Finally, we intrust to experts the editing of our catalogs and the inspection of our incoming merchandise, to be sure that no misrepresentation occurs. We guarantee Satisfaction, or Money Back. The Store that Serves You Best—The Store that Saves You Most. Page 4

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Family Outfitters Since 1889. Chicago Mail Order Co. Originators of Paris Styles by Mail for the American Woman. World's Best Styles at World's Lowest Prices. [Hand-drawn illustration of] Paul Carét, Paris, France. Just Like Shopping in Paris. But You Don't Pay Paris Prices. MADAME, as you turn the pages of this book, there will pass before your eyes, Parisian models of the most exquisite beauty. It's like your being in Paris and watching the models themselves pose for your approval. You will see fashions created but yesterday by Paul Carét, the World-famous Paris designer, the Style expert of the Chicago Mail Order Company, residing in Paris. Every style in this 35th Anniversary Catalog has been personally approved by this great master of the mode, as the correct fashion for Spring and Summer, 1925. Also, the Chicago Mail Order Company customers are doubly fortunate in having Mlle. Agnes Sourét [Jeanne Germaine Berthe Agnès Souret, 1902-1928, note by M. K.], acclaimed by famous fashion critics as the most beautiful, best dressed woman in Paris, assisting Paul Carét in the selection of our fascinating Paris models. We are Specialists in Smart Apparel. THIS is the age of the specialist. In the fields of Art, Architecture, Medicine, in every field, we like to intrust ourselves to specialists—because we know they have made a study of their "life work," and are prepared to serve us expertly and to our satisfaction. The Chicago Mail Order Company has specialized in Stylish Apparel for the Whole Family for over 35 years. We were the original mail order house to sell Paris Styles, and today this great 35th Anniversary Catalog is full of exclusive Paris styles—styles which the fashion leaders are choosing today in the most exclusive French Fashion Salons, the world over—styles which may not reach your local stores for months—truly, "Styles of today, with a touch of Tomorrow." The Style Queen garments shown in this catalog are inexpensive reproductions of the Paris Mode. Every garment is well made, of substantial material. We charge no more for exclusive Paris Styles than others ask for ordinary fashions. Specializing in Style Apparel for 35 years, being Family Outfitters for over a third of a century, selling our merchandise so that you pay us only 3¢ Profit on every dollar Sale, and maintaining the only 14¾ hour mail order service in existence,—we can and do guarantee to fill your every order to your satisfaction, and we invite you cordially to Trade Here and Save. Chicago Mail Order Co. Chicago. We Specialize in Stylish Apparel for the Whole Family,—Family Outfitters for 35 Years. Page 5

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This BOOK of Famous Beauty Secrets free! This is a photo of Mlle. Agnes Souret, The Most Beautiful Actress in Paris, who earnestly declares: "Every Woman Can Be Beautiful." Read joyfully, every word of this page, for it tells you how, through the enthusiastic cooperation of Mlle. Agnes Sourét, acclaimed the most beautiful Woman in Paris, we are able to offer, for the exclusive benefit of Chicago Mail Order Customers, the Newer and Greater Beauty Book, to which Mlle. Sourét attributes largely her own winsome personality. How to Get the Beauty Secrets. BEAUTY experts agree that this Famous Book of Secrets offers more real value and helpful information than any other courses in beauty selling at from ten to forty dollars—for this remarkable Book contains Mlle. Agnes Sourét's own marvelous secrets of surpassing charm. Remember, this Famous Book of "Beauty Secrets" is FREE! It does not cost you a single penny. All we ask is that you send us an order amounting to $5.00 or more, and enclose the coupon below, properly filled in. Your order and the "Beauty Secrets" will be sent at once. So make up your order—fill in the coupon, mail your letter, and Start Being Beautiful. Be Sure to Send Coupon Below. COUPON. Beauty Offer No. 2MD12. SEND THIS COUPON with Any Order Amounting to $5.00 or More. Send this coupon with any order amounting to $5.00 or more, for merchandise selected from this or any Chicago Mail Order Catalog. With a merchandise order of $5.00 or more, this Coupon will bring you the famous Beauty Secrets of Mlle. Agnes Sourét, the Parisian Actress, and her photo-print, FREE. Name______ Address______ R.F.D.______ Town______ State______ (The Famous Book of Beauty Secrets. Compliments of The Chicago Mail Order Co. Chicago) A Few of Our Beautiful Customers and What They Say. Thinks "Beauty Secrets" Simply Wonderful. From The Lone Star State. "Mother got the book of 'Beauty Secrets' Free from you with a $5.00 order but she wouldn't take $50 for it if she couldn't get another. I use it all the time—it's simply wonderful." Ruth Sieren, Austin, Tex. Southern Beauty Praises "Beauty Secrets". "I hope you will not think me too vain when I tell you that I attribute much of my popularity to the results I have obtained through adherence to the easily-followed principles laid down in your world famous 'Book of Beauty Secrets.'" Celeste Dungan, Bessemer, Fla. Words of Praise from Oregon. Portland, Ore. "All I can say is that since I have read your 'Beauty Secrets' my friends are openly expressive of what they call 'my personal charm.' I experience a sense of elation I have never known before." Ruth Carlson, Portland, Ore. Thousands of letters from other women testify to the Beauty-Producing Power of Sourét's world Famous Beauty Secrets. What the Beauty Book Contains. Contents in Brief. Contents (in brief) of 64 Illustrated pages of "Beauty Secrets": Beauty and Personality. A Beautiful Complexion. Care of the Hands. How to Beautify the Eyes. How to Care for the Hair. A Graceful Figure. Care of the Teeth. Miscellaneous Beauty Hints. Free Beauty Aids. Photographs of Mlle. Agnes Sourét. 456,228 Women Now Use This Beauty Book to Increase Their Charm. [Page] 6

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INDEX. Aluminum Set… 166. Aprons… 163 to 165. Aprons, Gingham… 165. Aprons, Sanitary… 194. Art Ticking… 248. Athletic Union Suits, Men's and Boys'… 199 to 201. Athletic Union Suits, Women's and Girls'… 197, 201. — Babies' Bands… 186. Babies' Bonnets… 187. Babies' Coats… 187. Babies' Diapers… 256. Babies' Dresses… 186. Babies' Knitwear… 186. Babies' Rompers… 188. Babies' Shoes… 158 to 161. Babies' Stockings… 209. Babies' Underwear… 186. Babies' Wear… 166, 186, 187, 188, 256. Bags, Hot Water… 194. Bags, Leather… 167, 168, 192. Bandeaux… 175, 176. Batiste… 257. Beauty Aids… 169, 189. Beauty Secrets… 6. Bedspreads… 243. Belts, Ladies'… 189. Belts, Men's… 213. Blankets… 243. Bloomer Materials… 257. Bloomers, Women's and Girls'… 183, 185, 197, 198, 201. Blouses, Boys'… 211. Blouses, Women's… 112, 114 to 120. Boas, Fur… 86. Bonnets, Infants'… 187. Boys' Blouses and Shirts… 211. Boys' Caps and Hats… 212. Boys' Clothing… 2, 13, 27, 222 to 229, 231. Boys' Furnishings… 213. Boys' Hosiery… 204, 205, 208, 209. Boys' Overalls… 214, 215. Boys' Pants… 210. Boys' Raincoats… 241. Boys' Rubbers… 162. Boys' Shirts… 211. Boys' Shoes… 154, 155. Boys' Sport Blouses… 213. Boys' Suits… 2, 13, 27, 169, 222 to 228, 231. Boys' Ties… 213. Boys' Underwear… 201. Boys' Waists… 211. Bracelets… 189. Brassieres… 175, 176. Breeches, Boys'… 210. Breeches, Men's… 217. Bundles, Wash Goods… 167. Bust Confiners… 171, 175, 176. — Calico… 255. Cambric… 256. Camisoles… 183. Camping Clothing… 118, 119, 167, 213, 217, 220, 228. Canton Crepes… 259 to 261. Capes, Misses'… 76. Capes, Women's… 57, 58, 60. Caps, Men's and Boys'… 212. Cases, Vanity… 189. Challis… 248. Chambray… 254, 255. Cheesecloth… 256. Chemises… 182. Cheviot Shirting… 254. Children's Bonnets… 187. Children's Capes… 68, 78 to 80. Children's Coats… 68, 78 to 80, 170. Children's Dresses… 11, 12, 26, 30, 50 to 53. Children's Hats… 104 to 106, 187, 212. Children's Hosiery… 204, 208, 209. Children's Nightgowns… 185. Children's Rompers… 188. Children's Shoes… 157 to 161. Children's Underwear… 185, 186, 201. Chinaware… 166. Chokers… 86. Clippers, Hair… 193. Clothing, Boys'… 2, 13, 27, 222 to 229, 231. Clothing, Men's… 2, 229, 230, 232 to 241. Coats, Girls'… 68, 78 to 80, 170. Coats, Misses'… 74 to 77. Coats, Stouts… 72, 73. Coats, Sweater… 2, 121, 122. Coats, Women's… 54 to 71, 167. Collars, Men's… 213. Combs… 193. Comforters… 243. Confiners, Bust, Hip… 171, 174 to 176. Corselettes… 171, 174 to 176. Corset Covers… 183. Corsets… 171 to 176. Corsets, Rubber… 171, 176. Costume Slips… 167, 170, 177 to 179. Cotton Blankets… 243. Cotton Dress Goods… 249, 261. Covers, Corset… 183. Covers, Table… 244. Creepers… 188. Crepe de Chine… 259 to 261. Crepes… 252, 253, 255, 257 to 261. Cretonne… 248. Crossword Puzzles… 170. Curlers, Hair… 193. Curling Irons… 193. Curtains… 246, 247. Curtain Goods… 246, 247. — Damask, Table… 244. Denim… 254. Diapers… 256. Dimity… 256. Dishes… 166. Dotted Swiss… 255. Douches… 194. Draperies… 246 to 248. Drawers… 183. Dress Goods… 251, 261. Dresses, Imported… 31, 37. Dresses, Infants'… 186. Dresses, Juniors'… 43, 44. Dresses, Misses'… 35, 36, 38 to 42, 169. Dresses, Stamped… 2, 249. Dresses, Stouts… 45 to 49. Dresses, Women's… 11 to 34, 37, 167, 168, 170. — Extra Size Aprons… 163. Extra Size Bloomers… 183. Extra Size Blouses… 120. Extra Size Coats… 72, 73. Extra Size Corsets… 171, 176. Extra Size Costume Slips… 179. Extra Size Dresses… 45 to 49. Extra Size Hosiery… 204, 205. Extra Size House-wear… 163. Extra Size Men's Suits… 239. Extra Size Nightgowns… 181. Extra Size Shoes… 137. Extra Size Skirts… 120. Extra Size Suits… 85. Extra Size Underwear… 196, 197, 198. Extra Size Waists… 120. Extra Size Women's Coats… 72, 73. — Feathers, Fancy… 108. Leather Ticking… 248. Felt Slippers… 138. Flannels… 251, 254. Flowers, Millinery… 108. Footwear, Boys'… 154, 155. Footwear, Children's… 144, 157, 158 to 161. Footwear, Men's… 145 to 153. Footwear, Misses' and Children's… 144, 156 to 161. Footwear, Women's… 2, 123 to 144, 169, 262. Fountain Pens… 189. Furnishings, Boys'… 213. Furnishings, Men's… 2, 213. Furs… 86. — Garters, Men's… 194, 213. Georgette Crepe… 260. Gingham… 251, 252, 254, 255. Gingham Aprons… 165. Gingham Dresses… 164, 165. Girls' Coats… 68, 78 to 80, 170. Girls' Dresses… 11, 12, 26, 30, 50 to 53. Girls' Gloves… 191. Girls' Hats… 103 to 106. Girls' Middies… 118, 119. Girls' Nightgowns… 185. Girls' Petticoats… 185. Girls' Slips… 185. Girls' Raincoats… 76, 241. Girls' Rubbers… 162. Girls' Shoes… 144, 156. Girls' Blouses… 213. Girls' Stockings… 204, 208, 209. Girls' Sweaters… 2, 121, 122, 167. Girls' Underwear… 185, 201. Gloves… 191. — Hair Goods… 193. Hand Bags… 168, 192. Handkerchiefs… 190. Hat Linings… 107. Hats, Girls'… 103 to 106. Hats, Men's and Boys'… 212. Hats, Misses'… 103. Hats, Untrimmed… 107. Hats, Women's… 2, 87 to 102, 107, 168. Hat Trimmings… 108. Hickory Shirting… 254. Hosiery, Boys'… 204, 208, 209. Hosiery, Children's… 204, 208, 209. Hosiery, Girls'… 204, 208, 209. Hosiery, Men's… 203, 206. Hosiery, Women's… 168, 170, 202, 203, 204, 205. Hot Weather Suits Men's… 240. House Dresses… 163, 164, 165. House Slippers, Women's… 139. Housewear… 163, 164, 165. — India Linon… 256. Infants' (See "Babies"). — Jackets, Overall… 214, 215. Jazz Model Suits… 232, 236. Jewelry and Novelties… 189. Jumpers… 214, 215. Junior Dresses… 43, 44. Juvenile Suits… 222, 223, 227, 231. — Khaki… 254. Khaki Clothing… 118, 119, 210, 214, 215, 217, 228. Kimonos… 164. Kitchen Toweling… 245. Knickers, Boys'… 210. Knickers, Women's… 109, 118, 119. Knit Goods… 21, 121, 122. — Lace Curtains… 246, 247. Leather Belts… 189, 213. Leather Goods… 162, 168, 192. Linene… 252 to 254. Lingerie Fabrics… 257. Lingette… 257. Linings, Hat… 107. Linon, India… 256. Lipstick… 189. Longcloth… 256. — Madras… 251. Marcel Irons… 193. Maternity Corsets… 173. Mattress Covers… 243. Mattress Ticking… 248. Men's Belts… 213. Men's Collars… 213. Men's Dress Pants… 216. Men's Dress Shirts… 2, 219 to 221. Men's Footwear… 145 to 153. Men's Furnishings… 2, 213. Men's Hats and Caps… 212. Men's Hosiery… 202, 203, 206. Men's Nightshirts… 213. Men's Overalls… 214, 215. Men's Pajamas… 213. Men's Raincoats… 241. Men's Rubbers… 162. Men's Shirts… 2, 218, 219 to 221. Men's Shoes… 145 to 153. Men's Sport Blouses… 167, 170, 213. Men's Spring Top Coats… 241. Men's Stout Suits… 239. Men's Suits… 232 to 240. Men's Summer Suits… 240. Men's Sweaters… 122. Men's Underwear… 169, 199, 200. Men's Work Clothes… 168, 170, 217. Messaline… 260, 261. Middies, Girls'… 118, 119. Middies, Women's… 118, 119. Mill Ends… 167. Millinery… 2, 87 to 108, 168. Millinery Trimmings… 108. Misses' Capes… 76. Misses' Coats… 74 to 77. Misses' Dresses… 35, 36, 38 to 42, 169. Misses' Gloves… 191. Misses' Hats… 103. Misses' Shoes… 144, 156 to 160. Misses' Suits… 85. Mohair Suits… 240. Muslin… 248, 256. Muslin Underwear… 182 to 185, 197. Muslin Wear… 177 to 186, 197. — Nainsook… 256. Napkins… 244. Neckties, Men's… 213. Neckwear, Women's… 168, 169, 190. Nets, Hair… 193. Nightgowns, Women's… 169, 180, 181, 185. Nightshirts, Men's… 213. — Organdies… 253. Ornaments, Jewelry… 189. Overalls, Men's and Boys'… 214, 215. — Pajama Materials… 257. Pajamas… 213. Palm Beach Suits… 240. Pants, Boys'… 210. Pants, Men's… 170, 216, 217. Pants, Rubber… 194. Pens… 189. Percales… 251, 254. Petticoats… 184. Piece Goods… 2, 242 to 261. Pillow Cases… 242. Pillow Casing… 242. Play Suits… 214, 215, 223, 228. Plisse Crepe… 257. Pocket Books… 167, 168, 192. Pongee 257, 259 to 261. Poplin… 255. Powder Compacts… 189. Princess Slips… 177, 178. Purses… 167, 168, 192. Puzzles, Cross Word… 170. — Rag Rugs… 170. Raincoats… 76, 241. Ratine… 251. Razors… 193. Reducing Corsets… 171, 172, 173, 176. Remnants… 167. Romper Cloth… 255. Rompers… 188. Rouge, Compacts… 189. Rubber Corsets… 171, 176. Rubber Footwear… 162. Rubber Goods… 171, 194. Rubbers… 162. Rugs, Rag… 170. — Sanitary Goods… 194. Sateen… 252, 257. Satin… 260. Scarfs, Dresser… 244. Scarfs, Fur… 86. Scarfs, Women's, Neck… 168, 190. Scissors… 193. Scrim… 246, 247. Serges… 254, 255, 258. Shantung… 259. Shawls, Spanish… 121. Shears… 193. Sheeting, Rubber… 194. Sheetings… 242, 248. Sheets… 242. Shirting… 251, 251. Shirts, Boys'… 211. Shirts, Men's… 2, 167, 168, 218 to 221. Shoes, Boys'… 154, 155. Shoes, Children's… 157 to 161. Shoes, Comfort… 138 to 140. Shoes, Men's… 145 to 153. Shoes, Misses' and Children's… 144, 158 to 161. Shoes, Women's, Stout… 137. Shoes, Women's, White… 136. Shoes, Work, Men's… 148 to 150. Silk Mixed Fabrics… 250, 257, 259, 261. Silks… 259 to 261. Silk Underwear… 180, 197. Skirts, Misses'… 109 to 111, 113. Skirts, Stouts… 120. Skirts, Women's… 109 to 111, 113, 120. Slippers, Felt… 138. Slippers, Men's… 153. Slippers, Women's… 138, 139. Slips, Pillow… 242. Slips, Princess… 177, 178, 179. Socks, Children's… 204, 208, 209. Socks, Men's… 203, 206. Sport Belts… 213. Sport Blouses, Men's… 2, 167, 213. Sport Knit Vests… 213. Sport Shoes, Boys' and Children's… 153, 162. Sport Shoes, Men's… 146, 147, 153, 162. Sport Shoes, Women's and Misses'… 144, 162. Sport Wear… 118, 119, 167, 213, 217, 220, 228. Spreads… 243. Spring Top Coats, Men's and Young Men's Coats… 241. Stockings, Boys'… 204, 208, 209. Stockings Children's… 204, 208, 209. Stockings, Girls'… 204, 208, 209. Stockings Women's… 168, 170, 202 to 205. Stout Sizes (See "Extra Sizes") Suiting… 255, 258. Suits, Boys'… 2, 169, 224 to 228, 231. Suits, Men's and Young Men's… 229, 230, 232, 234 to 240. Suits, Misses'… 85. Suits, Stouts… 85. Suits, Wash… 13, 27, 222, 223. Suits, Women's… 81 to 84. Summer Suits… 240. Suspenders… 213. Sweaters… 2, 121, 122, 167. Swiss… 255. Syringes… 194. — Table Cloths… 244. Table Covers… 244. Table Damask… 244. Table Linens… 244. Taffeta… 259 to 261. Tennis and Sport Shoes… 162. Ticking… 248. Ties… 168, 169, 213. Top Coats… 241. Towels and Toweling… 168, 245. Trimmings, Hat… 108. Trousers, Boys'… 210. Trousers, Men's… 216, 217. Tubings, Pillow… 242. Tub Silk… 260, 261. Turkish Towels… 168, 245. Two-Piece Suits… 240. — Underarm Bags… 192. Underskirts… 184. Underwear, Boys' and Men's… 169, 199 to 201. Underwear, Knit, Women's and Children's… 195 to 198, 201. Underwear, Muslin, Women's and Children's… 177, 178, 185, 197. Untrimmed Hats… 107. — Vanity Cases… 189, 192. Vestees… 190. Vests, Infants' and Children's… 186, 201. Vests, Women's and Misses'… 197, 198, 201. Vest Tubing… 257. Voiles… 251, 252, 253, 257. — Waists, Boys'… 211. Waists, Women's… 112, 114 to 120. Wash Cloths… 245. Wash Goods… 167, 251 to 257. Wash Goods Bundles… 167. Wash Satin… 260. Wash Shirts… 218 to 221. Wash Suits… 13, 27, 188, 222, 223. Watches… 189. White Goods… 256. Women's Aprons… 163, 164, 165. Women's Blouses… 112, 114 to 120. Women's Capes… 57, 58, 60. Women's Coats… 54 to 71, 167. Women's Comfort Shoes… 138 to 140. Women's Dresses… 11 to 13, 27, 222, 223. Women's Extra Size Shoes… 137, 139. Women's Felt Slippers… 138. Women's Footwear… 2, 123 to 144, 169, 262. Women's Furs… 86. Women's Gloves… 191. Women's Hats… 2, 87 to 103, 107, 168. Women's Hosiery… 168, 170, 202 to 205. Women's Low Shoes… 2, 123 to 144, 169, 262. Women's Middy Blouses… 118, 119. Women's Muslin Wear and Undergarments… 169, 177 to 184. Women's Neckwear… 190. Women's Nightgowns… 169, 180, 181. Women's Raincoats… 241. Women's Scarfs… 168, 190. Women's Skirts… 109 to 111, 113, 120. Women's Slippers… 138, 139. Women's Stockings… 168, 170, 202, 203, 204, 205. Women's Suits… 81 to 84. Women's Sweaters… 2, 121, 122, 167. Women's Underwear… 195 to 198. Women's Waists… 112, 114 to 120. Work Clothing… 167, 168, 214, 215, 217, 218. Wrist Watches… 189. — Yard Goods… 242 to 261. Young Men's Clothing… 229, 230, 232 to 241. Young Men's Pants… 216, 217. Young Men's Spring Coats… 241. Young Men's Suits… 229, 230, 232 to 240. Page 7

S. 10

How to Find Size for Women's and Misses' Garments. Bust Measure—Take measurement over your shirtwaist or dress. Pass tape measure entirely around the body, over the fullest part of the bust, well up under the arms and over the shoulder blades in back. Do not take this measurement too tight, and be careful tape line does not slip down. Make no allowance, but give us the size indicated by tape measure. Waist Measure—Take measurement around the smallest part of your waist, which is your natural waistline. Be sure tape line is passed completely and evenly around the waistline. Do not take measurement too tight and be careful that tape measure does not slip up or down. Hip Measure—Pass tape measure completely and evenly over skirt at fullest part of hips. Do not allow tape measure to slip up or down, and don't draw it too tight. Length of Skirt—This measurement should be taken over your dress or skirt. Place tape line at your natural waistline (3), and extend it downward until you reach the desired length (4). Length of Dress—Take measure from base of neck, marked "A", to bottom of skirt, marked "B". How to Order Men's and Youths' Clothing. Remove all bulky articles from your pockets. Stand erect against wall. Have someone place book on edge against wall, resting on top of head. Measurement from lower side of book to floor is correct height. | HEIGHT. About how many pounds do you weigh? This need not be exact. | WEIGHT. Empty pockets. Put tape snugly around chest, close up under armpits. Be sure that tape comes high over shoulder blades, and not below them. | CHEST. Empty your pockets. Draw tape snugly all around waist over the vest, and so that it comes just above the top of the pants. | WAIST. First empty pockets. Put feet close together. Take measurement over larger part of hips. Do not draw tape too tight. | HIP. Measure inseam from high up in crotch, down inside seam of leg, to one inch below center of ankle joint. Do not order pants too long. | INSEAM. State your age here. | AGE. Do you want cuff bottoms? "Yes" or "No" ___. Size Information for Women. EXTRA SIZES. Description of slenderizing garments for large figures carry dimensions necessary for perfect fit. State measurements, including height and weight. The measurements below are for regular sizes. SUITS. Women's suits furnished in sizes 32 to 44 inches bust; waist, hips, and skirt length in proportion. State bust, waist, and hip measurements; also skirt length and color. Suits for misses come in sizes 14 to 20 years, 32 to 38 inches bust; waist, hips, and skirt length in proportion. State bust, waist, hips, and skirt length and color. HOUSE DRESSES. Furnished in sizes 32 to 46 inches bust measure. State bust measure and color when ordering. DRESSES. Women's dresses furnished in sizes 32 to 44 inches bust; waist measure, hips and skirt length in proportion. State bust, waist, hips, and length; also color. Misses' dresses furnished in sizes 14 to 20 years, 32 to 38 inches bust; waist, hips, and skirt length in proportion. State bust, waist, hips and length; also color. WAISTS AND MIDDIES. Furnished in sizes 32 to 44 inches bust measure. State bust measure and color when ordering. COATS. Women's coats are furnished in sizes 32 to 44 inches bust measure. Take measurement as shown in Fig. 1. Misses' coats are furnished in sizes 14 to 20 years or bust measure 32, 34, 36 and 38 inches. State age and bust measure and color. SKIRTS. Women's skirts come in sizes 22 to 32 inches waist. See description for skirt lengths. State waist measure, hips, skirt length and color. PETTICOATS. See description for lengths. State waist measure, length and color. CORSETS. Note descriptions for sizes in which each corset can be furnished. Give us your waist measure after deducting two inches, which is taken up by lacing. How to Order Hosiery. State size you are now wearing. If you don't know size, order size corresponding to the size shoe you wear. WOMEN'S. Size of Shoe… Size of Stocking. 1-2½… 8½. 3-4½… 9. 5-6½… 9½. 7-8… 10. MEN'S. Size of Shoe… Size of Stocking. 5½-6… 9½. 6½-7… 10. 7½-8… 10½. 8½-9… 11. 9½-10… 11½. BOYS' AND GIRLS'. Size of Shoe… Size of Stocking. 1-2… 8. 3… 8½. 4… 9. 5-6… 9½. 7… 10. FOR SMALL CHILDREN. Size of Shoe… Size of Stocking… Age Infants'. 1… 4. 2… 4½… ". 3… 5… ". 4-5… 5½… 2-2½. 6-7… 6… 3-3½. 8-9… 6½… 4-5. 10-11… 7… 6-7. 12-13… 7½… 8-9. How to Order Sweaters. SWEATERS. For a comfortable fit, order men's, women's, and children's sweaters two sizes larger than actual chest measure. How to Measure Gloves. Measure the hand over the knuckles. Draw tape measure close but not tight. The number of inches your hand measures is the size glove you wear. Never order gloves too small. If your hand measures a little larger than a regular size, order the next larger size. For instance: If your hand measures 6¼, order 6½. State size and color when ordering. How to Order Shoes. Give us the size of the shoe you are now wearing. If you don't know your size, copy the numbers printed on the lining of the shoe, being sure to separate the numbers in the same way they are separated in the shoe and put in any dashes that appear between the numbers, or you may use the shoe measuring chart in our big catalog which will enable you to accurately determine the correct size shoe you wear. Shoe Sizes. Women's… 2½-9. Men's… 8-11. Misses'… 11½-2. Boys'… 1-5½. Little Boys'… 9-13½. Infants' soft sole… 0-4. Infants'… 2-8. How to Order Boys' Clothing. Measure your boy's chest, drawing tape snugly but not too tightly over blouse. Don't measure over his coat. Size Chart. AGE… 8… 9… 10… 11… 12… 13… 14… 15… 16… 17. CHEST… 26… 26… 27… 28… 29… 30… 30½… 31… 32½… 33½. How to Order Hats and Caps for Men and Boys. Measure as illustrated and compare the number of inches your head measures with this scale of hat sizes and send us the hat size you wear. Children's Hat Sizes, 6⅛ to 7. Boys' Hat Sizes, 6½ to 7. Men's Hat Sizes, 6¾ to 7¾. Head Measure Inches… Corresponding Hat Size. 18⅝… 6. 19… 6⅛. 19⅜… 6¼. 19¾… 6⅜. 20⅛… 6½. 20½… 6⅝. 20⅞… 6¾. 21¼… 6⅞. 21⅝… 7. 22… 7⅛. 22⅜… 7¼. 22¾… 7⅜. 23⅛… 7½. 23½… 7⅝. 23⅞… 7¾. How to Order Infants', Children's, and Girls' Garments. If the child is of average size, simply order by age. If you cannot tell size required, give age, chest measure, and length desired, and we will send correct size. Unless otherwise specified in description, Infants' garments are carried in sizes up to 2 years. Children's coats and dresses, sizes 2 to 6 years. Intermediate coats 7 to 9 years. Girls' coats, sizes 10 to 14 years, and girls', dresses, sizes 7 to 14 years. Page 10

S. 11

Celebrate our 35th Anniversary with us—Enjoy these Wonderful STYLES take Advantage of these—LOWEST PRICES! When Mother was a Girl. 35th Anniversary Special • Embroidery Complements the Modish Line. All Silk Canton Crepe. Entrancing Style! 2 B 3770—WOMEN'S SIZES—32 to 44 inches bust measure. 2 B 3731—MISSES' SIZES—14 to 20 years. 32 to 38 bust. This cleverly designed tunic effect frock is one of the season's newest styles. The dress is made of fine quality All Silk Canton Crepe. Metallic embroidery in pretty design, trims the front, sleeves, and skirt. Chic Peter Pan collar has silk Georgette Crepe overcollar. The long self-streamers with bow at neck, are finished with smart tassel ornaments. Self sash belt ties in the back. A very happy combination of fashionable material and striking style. A wonderful chance to save. COLORS—Black, Rust, Navy Blue, or Fallow Tan. State color, bust measure, and length from back of neck to bottom of skirt. Anniversary Price… $7.95. Postage, 13¢ extra. Organdie. For Dainty Dottie Dimple. 2 B 3746—SIZES—2, 4, 6 years. Lengths 22, 24 and 26 inches. A sweet little dress for the sweet little miss, who now-a-days, behaves as mother does, goes where mother goes, and is just as proud of her little frocks as she can be. You just mustn't miss this opportunity to surprise the little lady with a pretty dress. Made of washable Organdy. Has embroidered organdy Peter Pan collar. Self ruffles down front, on sleeves, and around the bottom of skirt. Silk tie. COLORS—White, Pink, or Blue. Please state size, color. Anniversary Price… 97¢. Postage, 3¢ extra. The Dress Pictured on the Cover • As Sweet as Any You Ever Laid Eyes on. Imported Linen. Amazing Value. 2 B 3786—WOMEN'S SIZES—32 to 44 bust measure. 2 B 3787—MISSES' SIZES—14 to 20 years. 32 to 38 bust. Wonderful quality and style in a dress priced close to cost, for this dress is made of Genuine Imported Irish Linen, very becomingly styled, and every woman or miss who buys it will be more than satisfied with it in every respect. Front of the dress is beautified by panels of Mexican hemstitching and crocheted buttons, effectively placed. The V-shaped, turn-back collar and the cuffs, are trimmed with looping. Ribbon bow at neck. Self sash belt. One of our biggest bargains. COLORS—Orchid, Peach, Leather Tan, or Copenhagen Blue. State color, bust measure, and length from back of neck to bottom of skirt. Anniversary Price… $2.98. Postage, 10¢ extra. Three Examples of the BARGAINS in this Book— CHICAGO MAIL ORDER COMPANY, Indiana Avenue and 26th Street, Chicago. Page 11

S. 14

Always in the Lead!! …from 1889 to 1925. The Chicago Mail Order Co. submits these Paris styles to you—confident that they will meet with your approval, because they are the best ever offered. ((Try our 14¾ Hour Service)) Descriptions of Dresses Shown on Page 14. Guaranteed Fast Color. Imported English Broadcloth. 2 B 3798—WOMEN'S SIZES—32 to 44 bust. 2 B 3799—MISSES' SIZES—14 to 20 years; 32 to 38 bust. Neatly made of very good quality fast color, imported English Broadcloth in a tasteful style, charming for afternoon wear but by no means limited to that. Its self material collar and turned back cuffs are bound with white, and there's a pretty pattern on front of dress in openwork hemstitched effect. Two patch pockets; button trim on collar and front. Neck vent is held with long bow tie. Self material sash. COLORS—Tan, Copenhagen Blue, Orchid, or Tangerine. Please state color, size of bust, and length from back of neck to bottom of skirt. Anniversary Price… $4.98. Postage, 10¢ extra. Voile—Hand Drawn. 2 B 3800—WOMEN'S SIZES—32 to 44 bust. 2 B 3801—MISSES' SIZES—14 to 20 years; 32 to 38 bust. Just about the daintiest little frock we've seen for a long time in a line, fast color web-like French Voile. Real hand hemstitching—so trig and charming—is generously employed on the dress in long rows and neat designs in front, and down each sleeve. Dainty val lace outlines all the drawnwork, and forms the bow and streamers at neck. There are two clusters of fine tucks on the front and back, and crocheted buttons in front. Its short, cool kimono sleeves are ideal for warm summer weather. Has self material sash. COLORS—White, Peach, Copenhagen blue, or Orchid. Please state color, bust measure, and length from back of neck to bottom of skirt. Anniversary Price… $5.98. Postage, 12¢ extra. All Silk Satin Face Canton Crepe. Fur Trimmed. 2 B 3802—WOMEN'S SIZES—32 to 44 bust. 2 B 3803—MISSES' SIZES—14 to 20 years; 32 to 38 bust. Silk and fur. What a swagger, luxurious combination in this frock so able to hold its own among the most elite styles. It's made of beautiful high lustre satin-faced Canton Crepe in a style that will delight you. Rich, heavy lustrous material designed in long, slinking, graceful lines. Harmonizing Coney fur around the skirt and sleeve ends. The front is adorned with three clusters of tiny tucks, and a narrow duvetyn panel trimmed with fancy buttons. Has full length sleeves and a becoming, girlish round neck. It's absolutely striking in its refined simplicity, and its rich materials would do justice to a dress costing many times as much. COLORS—Black, Navy Blue, Fallow Tan, or Rust (the new Terra Cotta shade). State color, bust measure, and length from back of neck to bottom of skirt. Anniversary Price… $12.98. Postage, 15¢ extra. Newest Ensemble Effect. Silk Faille Bengaline. 2 B 3806—WOMEN'S SIZES—32 to 44 bust. 2 B 3807—MISSES' SIZES—14 to 20 years; 32 to 38 bust. Faille Bengaline—the beautiful corded silk material that all the stylish women are clamoring for. It has taken the cities by storm and we want to give you the pleasure of introducing it in your town. It's a one-piece dress but it gives the effect of being a three-piece ensemble suit with its long jacket reaching almost to bottom of skirt. Its self material shawl collar extending down in long revers is piped with contrasting colored silk crepe. Printed all silk crepe is used for the front of the underdress and for inserts on the ends of the long sleeves. Loop and buttons at front closing. COLORS—Black with Rust trimming, Rust with Tan, or Brown with Tan. Please state measurements and color. Anniversary Price… $9.98. Postage, 13¢ extra. All Silk Dull Lustre Canton Crepe. 2 B 3934—WOMEN'S SIZES—32 to 44 bust. 2 B 3935—MISSES' SIZES—14 to 20 years; 32 to 38 bust. A delightfully tailored dress of splendid quality all silk, flat, dull lustre Canton Crepe, that falls in long, severe lines to the bottom, which is made with four large folds trimmed with bone buttons. There's a button trimmed loose panel on each side starting from neat silk stitching at the waistline. It boasts a charmingly mannish notched collar whose long lapels narrow down to the waistline, where the dress fastens wits linked buttons through piped buttonholes. The pretty vestee and cuffs are of ecru lace. Has silk braid bound collar and front of dress. A really distinctive smart new frock. COLORS—Black, Navy Blue, Cocoa Brown, or Gray. Please state color, bust measure, and length from back of neck to bottom of skirt. Anniversary Price… $17.98. Postage, 15¢ extra. Paris Styles at Chicago Mail Order Prices. To wear a real Paris frock is an ambition worthy of any woman whose desire is to be modern and up-to-date, and it is our pleasure to offer you some real imported gowns from gay "Paree," (see page 37) together with some authentic styles copied from the ravishing models of the world's style center. It's enough to warm your heart to view this charming array of dresses, and when you have the assurance of low prices—in fact so low that you can choose almost any dress without measuring its price by your pocket book—there is nothing left to be desired. In a word, you have the advantage of low price, quality, and style. Make your choice—from among the lovely creations in this assortment of street dresses, afternoon frocks, fancy gowns, or simple gowns, in short almost any kind of dress—fill out the order blank, send it to us, and we'll do the rest. You will be pleased or we will cheerfully return your money, with postage. Chicago Mail Order Co. Established 1889. Our 14¾-hour shipping service assures prompt delivery to you. Page 14
