Chicago Mail Order Co., Spring/Summer 1930

Fashion from the mail order catalog no. 102 of the Chicago Mail Order Company from Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., for spring and summer 1930.

Pages in total: 298 (150 online)

Scan format: 20.2 x 27.9 cm / 7.95 x 10.98 in

Browse Catalog

150 Pages

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Cover, front page or title page of the mail order catalog no. 102 of the Chicago Mail Order Company from Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A, for spring and summer 1930. The World's BEST STYLES. The World's LOWEST PRICES. Spring and Summer 1930. 1889 — Style Leaders Then. 1930 — Style Leaders NOW. FREE Premiums See Page 3. WE PAY the POSTAGE. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO., CHICAGO. Index-Page 16. Catalog No. 102. [Page 1]

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„Ensembles dominieren die Frühjahrsmode!“ (engl. „Ensembles Dominate the Mode for Spring!“). 2 C 4464/65: Zweiteiliges Ensemble aus porös-leichtem Woll-Tweed mit ungefütterter hüftlanger Jacke und Rock für 7,98 Dollar. Gearbeitet nach einem Modell von Andree Costa. Die ärmellose Bluse mit Ausschnittblende ist aus bedrucktem Rayon-Krepp gefertigt und zeigt ein mit Knöpfen befestigtes Jabot. Rock unterhalb der Hüftpasse bogig angesetzt und diagonal verarbeitet. 2 C 4490/91: Ensemble aus bunt gemustertem, farbechtem Baumwoll-Pikee für günstige 2,98 Dollar. Interpretiert nach einem Modell von Paul Carét. Ein schwarzer, schmaler Ledergürtel wird beidseitig unterhalb des smokingartigen, aus Blenden gearbeiteten Kragen hindurchgeführt. Weiße Bluse mit gesticktem Motiv, roten Paspeln und breiter, roter Krawattenschleife. Rock unterhalb der Hüftpasse mit eingelegten, breiten Falten. 2 C 4460: Ensemble aus Woll-Tweed zum Preis von 5,98 Dollar für 8 bis 14-jährige Mädchen, nach einem Modell von Mag-Helly. Dreiviertellanger Mantel mit langen Schalenden, deren Rückseiten mit dem Blusenstoff gedeckt sind. Bluse aus farbigem Rayon-Krepp, mit gekreuztem Ausschnitt und breiter Rüsche. Rock mit Faltengruppe. 2 J 478/479: Schnallenschuh aus sonnenbraun-beigem Chevreaulder (Ziegenleder) mit Schleife und Ausstanzungen. Wahlweise Kubanischer oder spitzer, hoher Absatz. 2 J 113/114: Damenschuh mit Riemchen aus Chevreauleder und reptilienartig genarbtem Leder kombiniert sowie mit Goldpaspel. Wahlweise hoher oder Kubanischer Absatz. 2 J 52: Sport-Oxford aus zweifarbigem Kalbsleder mit Vorderkappenmuster, Sohle aus Krepp-Gummi mit flachem Absatz für Damen.

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„Sonderprämien-Zertifikat. Die Chicago Mail Order Co. erklärt sich bereit, dem Inhaber dieses Sonderprämien-Zertifikats die Wahl einer der wertvollen und schönen Prämien, die auf den Seiten 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 und 10 dieses Katalogs abgebildet sind, zu überreichen. Die Prämien werden absolut kostenlos übergeben und die Versandkosten werden überall innerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten bezahlt“. (engl. „Special Premium Certificate. The Chicago Mail Order Co. agrees to present to the holder of this Special Premium Certificate the choice of any one of the Valuable and Beautiful Premiums Shown on pages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of this catalog. The Premiums will be given absolutely without charge, and delivery expense will be paid anywhere in the United States“). Alle Kunden, die innerhalb des 1. Februar und dem 31. Juli 1930 Bestellungen im Nettowert von mindestens 50,- Dollar und mehr eingesendet haben, konnten sich eine kostenlose Prämie von den Seiten 4 bis 10 aussuchen.

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„Kostenlose Prämien, wenn Ihre Bestellungen 50,- Dollar oder mehr betragen – sehen Sie Seite 3. Keinen Pfennig zu zahlen – Wir zahlen auch das Porto!“ (engl. „Premiums Free When Your Orders Total $50 or More – See Page 3. Not a Penny to Pay – We Pay Postage too!“). Prämien für treue Kunden wie eine Damenarmbanduhr und eine Herrenarmbanduhr, beide mit einem chrombeschichteten, ornamentalen Gehäuse und mit 15 Edelsteinen besetztem Ziffernblatt, eine bunt bemalte Wanduhr aus Mahagoni-Holz mit Metallarmen und Messingadler oder ein aus Europa importiertes Gewürzbehälter-Set für Reis, Zucker, Salz, Tee, Öl o. ä., hergestellt aus Halbporzellan bzw. Frittenporzellan.

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„Garantiert niedrigste Preise. Wenn Sie bar zahlen, kaufen Sie günstiger. Wir zahlen Porto für alles und überallhin. Chicago Mail Order Co. Chicago“ (engl. „Guaranteed Lowest Prices. When You Buy for Cash You Buy for Less. We Pay Postage on Everything, Everywhere. Chicago Mail Order Co. Chicago“). Das Versandhaus aus Chicago (Illinois, USA) garantiert, dass alle bei Chicago Mail Order angebotenen Waren am günstigsten angeboten werden („We Guarantee Lowest Prices“), dass alle vier Millionen Kunden mit den Waren zufrieden sein werden oder der Kaufpreis anstandslos erstattet wird („We Guarantee Satisfaction!“), alle Waren qualitativ hochwertig sind („We Guarantee Quality“) und dass alle Bestellungen innerhalb eines Tages nach Eingang bearbeitet werden („We Guarantee Quick Service!“).

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Our 41 Years of Style Leadership Assures You of BETTER STYLES and FINER QUALITY FOR LESS MONEY. THE ADVANTAGES OF BUYING YOUR APPAREL FROM THE CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO. 1. We Are Style Specialists! The Chicago Mail Order Company has devoted 41 long years to specializing in apparel for all the family. All our energy, brains, and business acumen has been utilized in acquiring the broadest possible knowledge of the art of correct dress. Experience has taught us all there is to know about style, materials, workmanship, values, and sources of supply. The benefit of our years of concentration in this particular field is offered to you in this catalog in the form of finer, more authentic styles, better materials, expert workmanship, and lower prices. How closely we keep in touch with the fashion trends was manifested by the fact that we were the first mail order house to offer you the new, longer styles. 2. Widest Varieties From Which to Choose! Within the covers of this Style Book you will find a wider variety of dependable apparel than can be found in even the big-city store. When it comes to ordering clothing for any member of your family, you have here the widest variety of styles, materials, sizes, colors, and prices from which to make your selection, and no matter how low the price may be, you are assured of your money's worth and more, for every article is positively guaranteed to satisfy. 3. We Always Sell for Less! Every article you buy here is honestly priced—priced as low as any reliable concern can sell merchandise of dependable quality. Our Lowest Price Guarantee on Page 11 is a frank, sincere statement that governs our pricing policy—a guarantee that offers you positive assurance that you always get the lowest price when you order from the Chicago Mail Order Company. In shopping, it's a decided advantage, a great satisfaction, to know that you are not paying more for the things you buy, than is absolutely necessary. 4. Our Famous "Style-Queen" Fashions Are Genuine Paris Styles! If you demand styles that are authentic—styles that most correctly portray the new mode, then you should wear "Style Queen" coats, dresses, and hats. Our "Style Queen" styles originate right in the very heart of the fashion center of the world—Paris, France. Many are actually designed by, and all bear the approval of, such world-renowned style establishments as the House of Worth, Paris, Paul Carét, Paris, Mag-Helly, Paris, and others. You could wear any of our styles in Paris and be right in the mode, yet our prices are lower than you pay for ordinary, far less authentic styles. Famous Beauties Endorse "Style Queen" Fashions … See Page 18. [With a hand-drawn picture of Paul] Carét, Paris. STYLE SPECIALISTS SINCE 1889. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO. Chicago, Ill. Practice economy … buy here where prices are always lowest! Page 12

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…the house of WORTH, Paris… designs these "Style Queen" FASHIONS (REG. U.S. PAT. OFF) Created by …JEAN CHARLES WORTH… WORLD'S FOREMOST DESIGNER. "As Worth goes, so goes the Fashion World"—is a common saying among those in Paris whose business it is to know style, for the house of Worth is the oldest, the most respected, and most renowned of the famous coutouriers. From the four corners of the world—for years upon years—fashionable women of wealth and royalty have sought out the house of Worth, in Paris, when they wanted not only what was new and novel, but also the most authentic in style. In a season that glorifies femininity, beauty, and charm, you will want to know that your clothes bear the stamp of Style Authority. No approval means so much as does that of the house of Worth. It is, therefore, with pardonable pride that we present to you, as the standard bearers of the Style Queen mode—the dress and suit on this page designed by Jean Charles Worth. You may select your dress or suit from this page or from the splendid array of Style Queen fashions which follow (pages 19 to 122) with the absolute assurance that they are practical—that they are wearable—that they are The Last Word in Style—The First Word in Value—The Ultimate Choice of women who know how to dress well and save money. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO. "Style Queen" FASHIONS. Extra Quality All Silk Flat Crepe. Antoinette. 2 B 6728—WOMEN'S SIZES—32, 34, 36, 38, 40 inches bust only. 2 B 6729—MISSES' SIZES—14, 16, 18, 20 years only; 32, 34, 36, 38 inches bust. "Designed by Worth!"—magic words in style circles—music to the ears of women—always mentioned with awe—and usually only in connection with creations costing "a queen's ransom!" What greater assurance of this frock's authenticity can be offered you! And need we stress that, at our price, it's miracle value? Fashioned of extra good quality All Silk Flat Crepe, it displays the Worth technique in every detail. Inverted tucks that define the lately revived natural waistline, tapering tabs that merge into the flared godets and create an illusion of stately height. Captivating collar and clever cuffs of ecru lace. So superior to styles offered elsewhere at this price, that comparison is obviously superfluous. COLORS—Cornflower Blue (medium blue with slight lavender tinge), Black, Firenze (deep bright) Red, Samoa Green (medium green). Please state color, and bust and hip measures. See dress lengths on page 41. Money-saving price, Postpaid… $9.88. 3-PIECE ENSEMBLE. All Wool Covert with All Silk Flat Crepe Blouse. Cosette. 2 C 4680—WOMEN'S SIZES—34, 36, 38 inches bust only. Skirt length 28 inches. 2 C 4681—MISSES' SIZES—14, 16, 18, 20 years only; 32, 34, 36, 38 inches bust. Skirt length 26 inches. Worth is, indisputably, King of Paris styledom—designer par excellence to royalty and the "beau monde." Women of rank and fame and beauty, come to him if they would have the benefit of his priceless talent—yet you can have this Worth creation brought to your door! A C. M. O. Company style coup! An ingenious conception of the ensemble—portrayed in Silver Rayon-flecked All Wool Covert Cloth with a decidedly Frenchy little "Eton" jacket that needed only stitching and a clever link-closing to set off its chic. Smart skirt is yoked and pleated all around, and the tasteful, button-decked blouse is of white All Silk Flat Crepe. True chic! Genuine Paris style! Incredible value. COLORS—Waikiki Brown (golden brown), Corinthian (medium) Green or Firenze (deep) Red. Please state color, and bust, waist, and hip measures. Money-saving price, Postpaid… $12.97. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO. Chicago, Ill. Practice economy … buy here where prices are always lowest. Page 13

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4-H CLUB PARIS TRIP WINNERS. [Photographic picture:] Here are the happy winners of the Chicago Mail Order Co.'s Grand Prize … Misses Nancy Grosboll and Mary Jeanette Irwin, both of Menard County, Illinois. Sail in June, 1930, to Visit Fashion Centers of Paris. Little did Nancy Grosboll, fifteen year old motherless farm girl of Menard County, dream that in June, 1930, she would be sailing across the majestic Atlantic to visit the fashion centers of Paris, grim battle-fields of the World War, and the historic city of London. But it's true. Nancy is going, and with her, a team-mate, Mary Jeanette Irwin. Their trip, which was won in a North Central States Clothing Demonstration Contest, is the Grand Prize offered by the Chicago Mail Order Company. It came about in this way: Nancy joined a 4-H Club, an organization administered by the Agricultural Colleges, the United States Department of Agriculture co-operating. In these clubs boys and girls carry on projects in agriculture and home economics. Nancy chose to become proficient in the selection and construction of clothing—an art every girl and woman treasures. Through the 4-H Club Nancy found that she could best learn these principles from the authorities connected with the Home Economics Extension Division of her home State Agricultural College. Miss Grosboll and Miss Irwin also entered the Clothing Demonstration Contest, and won first honors in county and state, and later, the sectional contest at the Eighth National 4-H Club Congress held at Chicago. The subject of their demonstration was "Proper Selection of Clothing and Accessories." These fine young women who will be taking this cruise provided by the Chicago Mail Order Co., are two of the most outstanding individuals enrolled in the 4-H Clubs, the total membership of which is 825,000. Approximately 320,000 girls are enrolled in the clothing project alone. Accompanying the girls on this trip will be a state leader and a local leader of clothing club work. In addition to the grand prize of a trip to Europe, the Chicago Mail Order Co. provided educational trips to Chicago for eleven state champion teams, and handsome sterling silver medals for county champion teams entering into the competition. The insignia of the 4-H Club is a four-leaf clover with an "H" on each leaf, meaning the four-fold development of the Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. The 4-H Clubs have for their purpose the all-round development of the youth of rural America. The Chicago Mail Order Co. is happy to co-operate with the National Committee on Boys' and Girls' Club Work, and the constituted authorities, in extending this constructive and fundamental movement. [Photographic picture:] Above is a picture of 4H Club girls, taken in our Girls' Recreation Room, during their visit to our plant. Our guests on that day numbered 500, representing 44 states. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER COMPANY. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO. Chicago, Ill. Page 14

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SELECT PARIS STYLES and Everything to Wear IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME. SHOP… the Easy, Economical Way! No matter where she lives, the thrifty woman will find within this catalog money-saving opportunities to buy all the apparel needs of the entire family without stepping outside her own home. No trips to the store to contend with, no shopping crowds to bother or jostle her, no salesperson to influence or hurry her decision, and no "closing-time" on her shopping hours. This catalog is the store within your home. If it's coats, dresses, hats, shoes, corsets, or hose she wants, all she need do is turn the pages of this book, and before her gaze will pass the best of the new Paris styles for spring and summer—wider in variety than can be found in any store, lower in price than she can secure them elsewhere style for style and quality for quality. If she is seeking practical and durable clothing, hose, shoes, or furnishings for husband, brother, or the children, this book is her guide to real economy, for the Chicago Mail Order Company guarantees Lowest Prices, Guarantees Satisfaction or Money Back, and Pays the Postage on Everything, Everywhere. Our tremendously rapid growth proves that millions of thrifty buyers have found that to order from our catalog in the comfort of the home is the ideal way, the easiest, most economical, and by far the most satisfactory method of doing the family shopping. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO. ALL SILK Flat Crepe (See Page 42). ALL SILK Chiffon (See Page 56). You Can Depend Upon the Chicago Mail Order Co. Four Million Customers Enjoy Trading Here—and Save Money. You may order from this Style Book as often as you wish, with the positive assurance that you always get the latest styles, and will get your money's worth or your money back—dollar for dollar and penny for penny. — These Great Banks Vouch for Our Reliability. Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Co. of Chicago. Foreman National Bank of Chicago. Guaranty Trust Company of New York. First National Bank of Joliet. Should you wish to know more about the Chicago Mail Order Co., we refer you to these banks or your own bank or Banker. WE SERVE YOU BEST. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO. WE SAVE YOU MOST. ESTABLISHED 1889. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO. Chicago. Ill. Where Values are best and Savings biggest. Page 15

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