Front page or cover of the mail order catalog, no. 23, of the company Charles William Stores Inc. from New York City, N.Y., U.S.A., for spring and summer 1919.
General Merchandise.
(Our Guarantee. If for any reason goods purchased from us are not satisfactory we will return your money and any charges you paid)
Catalog Number 23.
All Wool Poplin.
9B555. Tan.
9B556. Navy Blue.
9B557. Black.
Sizes, 34 to 46 inches bust measure; length, about 48 inches. Mention BUST measure. Our price, delivered free, each… $20.49. An All Wool Poplin Coat such as the one shown here is a splendid investment. Back shows an inverted center plait and wide plait each side extending from a moderated yoke; front also shows yoke with plaits below. The belt pulls through vents, the vents bound in an attractive manner with contrasting color silk and cotton poplin to match the over collar of poplin which shows fancy floss stitching. Floss stitching finishes the cuffs and large pearl buttons trim the belt, cuffs and effect closing. Slash pockets. Lined to the waist with fancy silk and cotton tussah.
16B1001. Extremely smart new Shape of Fancy Silk Straw Braid, faced and trimmed with fine quality faille silk. Two celluloid quills placed at a chic angle add to its smartness. Comes in colors illustrated or solid black, brown or navy blue. Price, delivered free, each… $3.98.
All Wool Poplin.
9B800. Navy Blue.
9B801. Black.
Sizes, 32 to 44 inches bust measure. State BUST, WAIST and HIP measure; also FRONT LENGTH. Our price, delivered free, each… $22.98. A Charming Spring and Fall Suit of Excellent Quality All Wool Poplin. Fashionable 27-inch coat introducing a plaited and box plaited skirt portion and a stylish belt ornamented with mannish buttons. Shapely collar with floss stitching and button trimming across the back. Buttons also trim plait down back of coat extending from neck to waistline. Lined to the waist with silk and cotton tussah. Skirt gathered in back. Gathers concealed by belt.
16B1002. Those who look well in a small Hat will find this one very jaunty and smart. Lustrous Silk Straw is used for the crown and top brim; contrasting crepe for the underbrim. Beautiful quality faille ribbon encircles the crown and is made into natty bow at side-front. Comes in colors illustrated or all black or navy. Our price, delivered free, each… $3.98.
All Wool Chiffon Broadcloth.
9B561. Brown.
9B562. Navy Blue.
Sizes, 34 to 40. Length, about 42 inches. Our price, delivered free, each… $16.79. Very Fine Quality All Wool Chiffon Broadcloth Cape for Woman or Miss. Made with a stylish full sweep and trimmed with handsome silk frogs, making an effective front. Collar of self material. Reinforced vents for arms. Slashed pockets.
Skirt Panama.
9B395. Green.
9B396. Navy Blue.
9B397. Black.
Sizes: 22 to 32 inches waist measure; length, 37 to 43 inches. State WAIST measure and SKIRT LENGTH desired. Our price, delivered free, each… $4.98. Wool Mixed Panama Cloth Skirt at an interesting figure and in a very smart style. Attractively trimmed with a deep girdle sash of black Bridge Brand Satin, beautiful silk fringe trimming sash ends as pictured. A large smoked pearl button ornaments belt where closing takes place and a button to match fastens the tucked pocket. Gathered at the waist.
Waist Changeable Taffeta.
24B5291. Navy Blue.
24B5292. Plum.
24B5293. Gold.
Sizes: 34 to 46 inches bust measure. State BUST measure required. Our price, delivered free, each… $2.39. The waist pictured here is made of Silk and Cotton Changeable Taffeta of lustrous quality. Front designed with vents for tie, which is of black satin ribbon attractively hemstitched. Small buttons covered with the material trim the collar, also front of waist.
9B558. Liberty Blue.
9B559. Navy.
9B560. Black.
Sizes: 34 to 46 inches bust measure; length, about 48 inches. Kindly specify BUST measure. Our price, delivered free, each… $18.57. New Spring and Summer All Wool Poplin Coat. Tucked and plaited back with a gathered skirt portion. Natty self material belt with tucking and small smoked pearl button trimming across the back, as illustrated. Pearl buttons also ornament back of collar, which is inlaid with silk and cotton poplin in pleasing shade. Large buttons trim the tucked cuffs, fasten belt and effect coat closing. Stylish slashed pockets. Unlined.
We Pay Delivery Charges on Every Article on This Page
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(Our Guarantee. If for any reason goods purchased from us are not satisfactory we will return your money and any charges you paid)
We guarantee that the merchandise shown in this catalog is exactly as illustrated and described. We guarantee to give you full and complete satisfaction when you purchase from us; that articles sold you represent full value—a real saving—and will give you the service and satisfaction you have a right to expect.
If, for any reason, you are not fully satisfied with any article purchased from us, we ask you to return it at once, at our expense and we will either exchange it for something else, if you wish, or we will return your money and any transportation charges you may have paid.
BB2— Copyright 1919 by The Charles William Stores, Inc.
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NEW YORK CITY is the recognized business center of America. More than that, it is today the greatest market in the world. The tremendous transportation systems which center here; the number of great manufacturing plants in and all about the city; its huge buying powers both here and abroad; all combine to place New York far above the other cities of the country as the market in which to buy.
As the only house doing a general merchandise business by mail on a large scale which is located in this great center, The Charles William Stores enjoys peculiar advantages over its competitors in other parts of the country. These advantages are reflected throughout the catalog in style, quality and price of the merchandise offered.
The Charles William Stores in Six Years.
The Charles William Stores started business some six years ago in one small building in the group shown on the opposite page. Today it requires all the room in this assemblage of huge warehouses with more than 25 acres of floor space. And it is constantly reaching out for more.
The organization is composed today not of one store, but of forty-nine—forty-nine big specialty shops operating under one management, each with a complete line of its own special merchandise and each under the direction of a merchandising expert and specialist in his line.
The reason for this extraordinary growth is simple. The Charles William Stores from the first has sold only dependable merchandise, truthfully illustrated and honestly described. And it has sold at prices which do away entirely with from one to three or more profits of jobbers, wholesalers and commission men commonly added to the cost of manufacture to make the selling prices. To put it briefly, The Charles William Stores sells merchandise of high quality at unusually low prices.
The extraordinary rapidity with which The Charles William Stores has grown is evidence of the solid basis on which the business was founded and has been conducted. From the modest beginning of six years ago it has expanded to rank with the greatest mail order organizations in the country and has far outstripped even the largest department stores of the big cities. Its customers have increased in number literally from hundreds to millions—two and a quarter millions, to be exact—and the number is still growing.
This means only one thing—that The Charles William Stores has met the demand of the intelligent buying public; it has established itself in the confidence of people who know good merchandise; who are shrewd enough to buy at a saving without giving up quality.
The Ease and Convenience of Buying by Mail.
More than two million families in this country buy goods from The Charles William Catalog and the number is increasing every day. They buy from this catalog because it is the easiest, most comfortable and safest way to shop; because experience has shown them that the enormous stocks we carry offer an unusually wide variety of high quality merchandise from which to choose; because they can buy at low prices; because if they are not completely satisfied with any purchase they know they can return the goods and get back every penny they have spent.
As to Our Responsibility.
If you have not dealt with us before and do not know from experience that we keep our promises, you may satisfy yourself entirely on this question by writing either the Importers' & Traders' National Bank of New York City or the Mechanics & Metals National Bank of New York City. Either one of these banks will assure you that we keep our promises, that we illustrate and describe our goods exactly as they are, that we return your money without question if for any reason you are not perfectly satisfied with your purchase.
Full Instructions HOW TO ORDER Are Given on Page 410.
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If you want more evidence of our financial responsibility, ask your local banker to look up our rating in Dun or Bradstreet. You need have no difficulty in making sure of the safety of your money before you order.
We Sell Only for Cash.
We ask you to send cash with your order for two reasons. Everyone knows the cash buyer has a big advantage in every market. We buy for cash because we save money. We sell for cash because cash buys at lower prices for you just as with us. That is the first reason.
The second reason is that, selling for cash—money in, goods out—we reduce our bookkeeping expense; we have no collection costs; we have no bad credits to reckon with. We do not ask our good customers to pay more to protect, us against those who buy and do not intend to pay or who are unable to pay.
From all points of view, therefore, as every thinking person clearly sees, the cash method of trading is the saving method. And every dollar we save enables us to make our prices that much lower to you—makes it possible for us to meet the competition of local stores everywhere; to sell quality goods at lower prices than they can possibly meet, because of the way they are compelled to do business. We make few exceptions to our rule of cash with order, and those only for merchandise which, for sound reasons, is almost universally sold on time payments.
Advantages of Shipping From New York.
Most of our goods are shipped from big stocks in our New York warehouses. New York City has always enjoyed unusual advantages in the speedy handling of outward shipments because of the immense amount of merchandise exported from this point to other countries. During the past four years and more this has been greatly increased through the demands Europe has made upon this country. For several years to come the reconstruction of Europe will maintain this advantage. Today the slow shipments are those entering New York. Merchandise leaving this city is given every possible facility for quick transport. This permits the quick filling of orders in which we take pride.
Some merchandise is shipped from the factory; some from our warehouses in various parts of the country. Wherever this is done it is to save extra handling expense and to cut down freight charges for customers.
We Make No C. O. D. Shipments.
Owing to the uncertain market conditions and the difficulty of buying and handling merchandise, we have decided to send no more goods C. O. D. Only a few customers have bought this way in the past and they agree fully that they gain nothing by it. Under the terms of our liberal guarantee you are always safe in ordering from this catalog; you are certain of having your money returned and all transportation charges paid if you are not satisfied with the goods you receive. C. O. D. shipments, therefore, are not necessary.
Prices Are Guaranteed.
All prices in this catalog are guaranteed without reservation as long as our stocks of material last. If the demand for anything we sell strips our shelves of that stock and we can buy no more, or can buy only at a higher price, we will tell you so. But while our stock lasts, prices are absolutely guaranteed.
When We Pay Delivery Charges.
ALL merchandise listed in this catalog on pages 4 to 388 inclusive and all listed on the covers, both inside and outside, are shipped to you with all delivery charges paid in advance.
This means that you do not have to add one penny to the price on these pages for freight, express or parcel post charges. All goods there shown are delivered at your station or to your home at the prices named in this catalog.
The customer is required to pay transportation charges only on the merchandise listed on pages 389 to 821 inclusive. In every instance the description of this merchandise shows also its shipping weight. From this you can easily figure out the cost of parcel post, express or freight shipments. Full information regarding transportation charges is given on pages 411, 412 and 413.
Our business occupies these eleven great buildings (grouped here for the purpose of illustrating); more than one million square feet of floor space (about 25 acres).
Our Guarantee Protects You in Every Way. We MUST Satisfy You.
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Styles from New York.
The Fashion Center.
EVERY season brings forth new styles, new materials. Each season, we think, offers prettier modes than the last. Take the dresses shown on the following pages; have you ever seen a more distinctive or smarter line of frocks for women and misses than those here offered? And the materials selected are the most up-to-date and appropriate for the styles adapted. There are dresses of lustrous satin, rich taffeta or soft crepe de chine for best wear; serviceable ones of washable plaid gingham, Trouville or linen for everyday purposes or informal occasions; then there are just the daintiest frocks you ever saw made of Georgette crepe, organdie or voile for parties and special functions. We are proud of the asortment [sic] and know that no matter what particular style garment you are looking for, you will be sure to find it in our Women's and Misses' Apparel Shop.
Descriptions of Dresses Shown on This Page.
Embroidered Voile.
24B776. White only. Sizes: Women's, 34 to 46 inches bust measure, skirt length, 37 to 39 inches; Misses', 14 to 18 years, skirt length, 33 to 37 inches. Kindly give BUST, WAIST and HIP measures, also FRONT LENGTH. Our price, delivered free, each… $6.98. Here is an opportunity for any woman or miss desiring a pretty White Embroidered Voile Dress to buy one at a very reasonable figure, and one that possesses a vast amount of style. Beautifully patterned Embroidered Voile forms the loose front waist panel and both the front and back skirt panels; loose panel on back of waist made of plain Voile. All panels, neck, sleeves and hem neatly hemstitched, and cuffs, sides of waist and bottom of skirt nicely tucked. Note the lovely white organdie collar, round in shape, hemstitched and trimmed with two rows of fine Val. lace edging, and don't overlook the smart self-material sash wish tassel ends. Fastens invisibly in front.
Fancy Dotted Voile.
24B777. Black and White.
24B778. Navy Blue and White.
Sizes: Women's, 34 to 46 inched bust measure, skirt length, 37 to 39 inches; Misses', 14 to 18 years, skirt length, 33 to 37 inches. State BUST, WAIST and HIP measures, also FRONT LENGTH. Our price, delivered free, each… $7.98. You will be more than delighted with the smartness and becomingness of this pretty Figured Voile Dress which we are offering at a most modest figure. It has the new double tunic, slashed at one side and edged all around with plain white voile in a neat manner, and plain white voile is also used to outline the stylish shawl collar and forms the vestee and puff on sleeves which is particularly new and only found in the more expensive models. Silk braid and tiny pearl buttons add to the smartness of the vestee, as pictured. Wide crushed girdle of good quality black satin mescaline. Correct width skirt with deep hem. Invisible closing. White voile waist lining.
We Pay Delivery Charges on Every Article on This Page.
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Descriptions of Dresses Shown on Facing Page.
Floral Voile.
24B780. Copenhagen Blue.
24B781. Rose.
24B782. Gray.
Sizes: Women's, 34 to 46 inches bust measure, skirt length, 37 to 39 inches; Misses', 14 to 18 years, skirt length, 33 to 37 inches. State BUST, WAIST and HIP measures, also FRONT LENGTH. Our price, delivered free, each… $6.75. Made of Figured Voile and at the price here quoted it is wonderful value. It has a dainty shawl collar of white organdie edged with Venise pattern lace, and lace-edged organdie cuffs trim the comfortable length sleeves. Waist is designed in surplice effect with wide sash in back, can be tied as desired. Full gathered skirt with deep tuck. White voile waist lining. Deep hem. Invisible closing.
Plaid Gingham.
24B783. Assorted Color Plaids. Sizes: Women's, 34 to 46 inches bust measure, skirt length, 37 to 39 inches; Misses', 14 to 18 years, skirt length, 33 to 37 inches. Give BUST, WAIST and HIP measures, also FRONT LENGTH. Our price, delivered free, each… $4.85. Good quality Plaid Gingham is the material chosen for this becomingly styled and up-to-date Wash Dress. Tucked white organdie is used for the long shawl collar and front panel, also for cuffs and trimming for pockets, and a hemstitched band of the gingham is used to finish same. Plaited skirt. Invisible closing. Deep hem.
24B784. White only. Sizes: Women's, 34 to 46 inches bust measure, skirt length, 37 to 39 inches; Misses', 14 to 18 years, skirt length, 33 to 37 inches. Give BUST, WAIST and HIP measures, also FRONT LENGTH. Our price, delivered free, each… $7.49. Here is a dainty White Voile Dress with an attractive tunic, and the price only $7.49. It is trimmed down front of waist with beautiful Venise pattern lace insertion, neatly tucked and hemstitched and finished with small crocheted buttons. Crocheted buttons, lace insertion and hemstitching is also used on the front panel of tunic, and lace insertion borders the tunic as pictured. Deep square collar edged with lace insertion and a net frill. Full length sleeves with tucked and lace-trimmed cuffs. A cluster of tucks trims waist each side in back and also finishes the skirt above the hemstitched hem. Invisible side-front closing.
Colored Organdie.
24B785. Flesh Pink.
24B786. Light Blue.
24B787. All White.
Sizes: Women's, 34 to 46 inches bust measure, skirt length, 37 to 39 inches; Misses', 14 to 18 years, skirt length, 33 to 37 inches. State BUST, WAIST and HIP measures, also FRONT LENGTH. Our price, delivered free, each… $8.95. No material is better liked for Summer Dresses than Organdie. It is a splendidly made dress in a coat effect with collar and cuffs of white organdie bound in self color. Blouse portion closes at the side, where it is trimmed with beautiful crocheted buttons. Belt stylishly cord tucked. Peplum sides, becomingly side plaited. The skirt has an extra deep hem, topped by several rows of cord tucks to harmonize with the belt. Joined to a fitted underwaist of self-material. Specially good value.
For Descriptions and Other Colors See Opposite Page.
We Pay Delivery Charges on Every Article on This Page.
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Zwei mondäne Damenkleider aus weißem Voile (Schleierstoff) und wahlweise kopenhagenblauem, rosa oder grauem Voile.
Das erste Sommerkleid mit Westeneffekt zeigt ein tunikaartiges Panel, das vorne ausgespart ist. Der quadratische Kragen, Brust, Manschetten und Rock sind mit Hohlnähten und Spitzeneinsätzen ausgestattet. Rock, Paneel und Manschetten mit Biesen.
Das zweite Kleid präsentiert eine reich bestickte Schulterpasse. Unterhalb dieser Passe ist das Oberteil bis zur Hüfte rundum plissiert. Frontpaneel mit Knöpfen. Rock mit farblich abstechenden, aber harmonierenden Biesen. Kleid mit unsichtbarem Verschluß.
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Damenkleider für den Sommer aus kopenhagenblauem Seiden-Taft, rosa Voile (Schleierstoff), hellbraunem Seiden-Taft und Georgette sowie farblich changierendem Taft.
Hohlnähte und vor allem feine dekorative Stickereien zieren die beiden mittleren Modelle. Die beiden äußeren Kleider zeigen weiße Garnituren aus Satin-Messaline.
Lange, seitliche Stoffpaneele mit Fransen, tütenartig gebauschte Hüften und schmale Volants tragen zur Erweiterung der Hüftpartien der Kleider bei. Der Tonnenrock ist 1919 modern. Die Mode nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg ließ die Tunika-Mode von 1914 wiederaufleben und knüpfte an die Vorkriegszeit an.
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Vier Damenkleider für das Frühjahr aus changierendem Seiden-Taft, handbesticktem Satin, Trouville Stoff (leinenähnlicher Stoff aus Baumwolle) oder mit Blumen gemustertem Voile (Schleierstoff).
Das Oberteil des ersten Kleides ist kunstvoll mit Rohseidenfasern bestickt. Die Ärmel sind aus duftigem Seiden-Georgette Krepp. Auch das zweite Kleid ist mit Stickerei an Ausschnitt, Brust und Gürtelschärpe versehen. Tunika mit Seidenfransen. Das dritte Modell besitzt einen plissierten Rock sowie eine bestickte Schürze. Das vierte Kleid zeigt eine vorne unterbrochene Tunika sowie ein Brustpaneel mit beidseitigen Zierknopfleisten.